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RE: Mine Crypto Anywhere with Your Computer - Home, Work, School. Simple Noob Friendly Guide

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

dont worry! , ur hardare would not be "burned out" minergate lets u choose how many CPU or GPU cores u wanna use, so u can use half of em or just 1 and ur ccomputer woouldnt be even notcie any sort of wear and tare....

u arent gving ur laptopenough credit :) My laptop is from 2009 thats 8 years too ad its a Dell inspiron basic model and Ive made like $4 a month mining Bytecooinand Moneroo..i now switched toa HP dekstop with vieo card thats new from Frys to mine etherem and bytecoina nd monero now, cuz i need my laptop full ppwer for steemit and the "data" mining we do here!

Anyway dont sell it short! Bytecoins are cheap but will be 41 soon and i was making like a couple bytecoins everyday on my old 8 year old laptop!!! why would u pass up this offer to mine crypto?

Its like mining bitccoins bak in 2009! So what if it would take u a MONTH just to mine ONE bitcoin, TOTALLy worth it!
hahaha u need t be mining as much as u can1

do we really think the price of these coins will stay the same forever???? ddude come on! The coins u mine may only make u a few pennis a day on ur laptop BUT Those pennies willl be wortth hundreds of dollars ina yeearor two!
WHy not stack up those bytecoins while u can still makie 1000 bytecoin a month n anold laptop?


Don't get me wrong my laptop is a beast. It has been used everyday for eight years doing fairly intensive work. No complaints on this laptop.

That being said it is older and the less strain I have to put on it the better. When I do get a new computer I will probably clean this up, do a fresh install and use it as a mining rig, but until then I need to use my comp for work and do not want to dedicate the processing power to mining.