What happened to John Mcafee? - he is reporting he went underground today!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

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Today, in a series a tweets, John McAfee, crypto advocate and computer security enthusiasts have reported to go underground. While the exact reasons for this dramatic move have not been disclosed he noted on twitter that in recent days his house in Tennessee has been under siege, and consequently he had to employ 18 (!) additional security guys to protect him on top of the several ex-Navy Seals and Green Berets who were already protecting him.

John Mcafee has been know for years for his outspoken attitude towards corruption, banks, the US governments, and in particular against the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). McAfee has been the bullish advocate of cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin in particular, and for months has been predicting the fall of banks and financial institutions (at least in the form they exist today) in the next 5 years if they fail to transform themselves in the wake of cryptocurrencies.

While there has been no clear indication from McAfee's side why he chose to go underground, he is obviously in fear of his life, and in a series of short video uploads on his twitter account he referred to a subpoena against him issued by the SEC back in 2016. McAfee is obviously concerned to be arrested, kidnapped or assassinated, but so far the exact reasons for his alleged disappearance is not disclosed, but his tweets suggest that it relates to either his role as an advocate of cryptocurrencies or information he has about MGT capital, where he previously was CEO.

McAfee, by his own admission, has been known to disinform the public about his intentions and geographical location, which he claimed was for security purposes. With this example, we might also be witnessing something similar, but the tweets and the video uploads tell the story that this time McAfee feels that he is in real danger.

His twitter account is constantly updated, and he is obviously very keen to utilise his more than 800k followers to create a public awareness about his case.

  • images are from @mcafee twitter account communications

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