Bitcoin's golden days are over

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Tech City Content Counselor: Experts say that the golden age of Bitcoin and other cryptocarcons are the biggest achievements of the business. According to them, the chance of huge profits like December 2017 will never return. This does not mean that Bitcoin, Etheram and others The price of the currency suddenly decreased. There is a lack of opportunity to arbitrate on this comment. Arbitrage in the finance language means that the value of a commodity or currency is sold at an exchange from another exchange, and the opportunity to sell profits at a lower price. One of the most common ways of earning arbitrage in the market, but there is no chance of earning so much profit from Arbitrage like Bitcoin. In December, GDAX Exchange and Cracken Beyond the exchange costs up to $ 1000 Bitcoin There was lot of work. Which means, the opportunity to gain up to 80 thousand taka by Bitcoin was sold by selling from an exchange and selling on another exchange. After that, it was possible to earn up to $ 500 a bit for the whole month, so that everyone was interested in investing in bitcoin. That is why the price of Bitcoin rises to $ 20,000. Currently, the price difference between the Bitcoin exchange is less than $ 100 or less, the opportunity to gain access to arbitrage is not the same as before. Investors say that such a golden time is not likely to come back. SM Tahmid on CNN