30% ROI Investing - is an absolute game changer!

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

30% return on investment (ROI) annually combined with the increased price of Bitcoin once it’s gains momentum again is going to be huge.

In the time ahead I am going to need to focus over and over again on making sure it is understood the power of compounding a 30% ROI.

It is important to understand the power of producing 30% ROI yearly and what the means over a ten and twenty year period. For example starting with a sum of $250,000 – in 10 years that is $3.4 million. In 20 years that is $47,512,409

Or $14,250,000 in total profits. 20% of those profits kept by BGB is $2,850,000 to buy and burn Nucleus.

This allows for an exit. Nucleus holders can decide when they want to sell (or buy more) and exit. At the same time BGB continues to grow its revenue.

The exit strategy is when everyone decides to sell their NCL. Once everyone has exited, BGB owns 100% of the profits. $14,250,000 in profits. 20% of that is $2,850,000 to hold and own.

That just keeps compounding. 5-10 more years this becomes hundreds of millions in yearly income.

I mean that is the beauty. You get to stay around for as long as you like. Everyone does. 1 NCL in 15 years could be worth more than 1 Berkshire Hathaway share.

Today the Conquer + 2 critical improvements is implemented. Watch the video on the substance of the new algorithm by clicking this link.


As you started you were talking about a targeted steady 7-12% gain per 28 day investment term (averaging to an >123.5% annual gain). 8 months later we are looking on an total gain of 0.33% (resulting in an 0,49% annual gain).

With this number so far your $250,000 USD example would be worth little more than $262,500 USD in 10 years.

Your calculation looks nice but is far from reality.

PS: Better check your calculations in the video. The first $3000 USD you calculated for 11 years not 10, which makes every following calculation wrong. And to be honest dude with you juggling around that much money you should be able to calculate the 30% ROI for 10 years properly in one formula.

It was pointed out to me that it was 11 years not 10, my mistake but either way I did say to continue for another 5-10 years. The calculations themselves however are all correct.

Yeah the calculation written here in the post are correct but still you are proving a gain of 0,33% in 8 months and you do calculations with a 30% "dreamland-number". Besides that to get the BTC out of the BGB system you have to provide a 7% equity growth (which is now down at -38,21%). So basically the BGB system paid not a single person with BTC in the last 8 months.

PS: Why is my investment showing -86.9% loss when the "algorithm" tracker is showing a 0,33% gain?

Many people have been paid back in bitcoin with gains ranging from +2.91% to +26.99%.

Checking this tracking chart I can't see how that could be possible.

What is the difference between "Balance" and "Equity" on myfxbook?

Balance is the figure of the account which includes all closed trades. Equity is the actual amount of funds in the account currently including all open trades. Equity is what matters.

Equity is what needs to be tracked. For example let’s use the example that the balance is $100,000

And the equity is $90,000. You transfer funds into the bot

28 days later the balance and equity are both $100,000

You had a 11% (or whatever) gain using equity

If you used balance you had a 0% gain? No, the equity is the amount of funds in the account

At the time you send funds to the bot and they are approved a snapshot of the current equity in the account is taken. Your performance is based off of this equity baseline.

Yeah I do know that.

Still: if we check the graph for the lowest equity point (looks like it is -16,63% on May 15) with the highest equity point behind it (being -2,48% on June 13) leading to a max possible gain of 14,15%.

And yeah please explain me how my investment is able to show a 86,9% loss my investment started pretty much exactly at the start of this chart.

The numerous bitcoin payouts at the discussed levels are without refute. It's on a blockchain.