Elliott Waves - So What Exactly Are They?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I didn't do too badly on my Haejin Lee Free Elliott Wave Training Course yesterday. For anyone who doesn' know what Elliott waves are I've included a video that gives a good overview.

Don't like videos? Read up on Elliott Wavesit here: https://www.elliottwavetrader.net/elliottwavetheory/

After I'd watched the first part of the course, I remembered a video I had stumbled across not too long ago about how to improve my memory. Ironically I couldn't remember the name of the video! but after a bit of searching and a long process of elimination I managed to find it.
The memory technique is very simple. Too cut a long story short, you learn something, and then after a set period of time you learn it again and continue to do so over longer intervals.
With my new tool in hand I'll be doing one part of the course a day and use the rest of the time to get lots of practical experience in..........I'm seriously going to need it!!!!!!