
EXCELLENT Observation @BuilderOfCastles...

NOTHING of Great Consequence on this Planet happens "accidentally" nor is a mere "co-incident"

Everything on this planet is "inter-connected"... in my humble opinion... based upon almost 40 yrs of financial experience, as a semi-retired Investment Banker.

Make no mistake, the very "life-blood" (sucking) of the Global Central Banks is at stake...

The Global Central Banks are 1 of 2 of the primary causes of both poverty AND scarcity on this planet for the sake of Power, Control + Global Dominance. The current unholy alliance (collusion) between the Global Central Bankers and another powerful aspect of control was instituted around 1900 between M.A. Rothschild & J.D. Rockefeller.

AND... Thankfully, there is not only a Global Awakening taking place regarding Bitcoin, Blockchain Technology .... but there is a very subtle, quiet, gentle yet immensely powerful form of "grace" that is Up-Lifting all of humanity at this time... on many, many different levels...

Thank You Again Builder of Castles... AND Thank You, of course to @DragosRoua !!

Cheers !!

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