Blochchain and Bitcoin Security ! 🔒 I finally understand what is Blockchain and how Bitcoin works ! ☺
Everybody knows that Blockchain shows all the transactions made by Bitcoin community.
I always had this question in my mind and today I finally have find a video explaining that.
Imagine that you send bitoin to a friend, so the transaction will be saved on blochchain and it will be given a hach code. To know your hash code just go to and find the search bar and write there your bitcoin address to find all the transactions made to and from that address.
For example you will have something like that:
The hash code is the code above the transaction as shown in the picture:
So after each transaction you will be given a new hash and it's public, so no one can change the hash that way he want and this is why bitcoin network is secure !
Haha there you go buddy!
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