Here is Why Blockchain is the Future of Marketing

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

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The Flipnpik firm is targeting a market that is ripe for the picking, because at the moment traditional centralized marketing platforms have numerous problems. Even though, traditional marketing firms have so many problems they are still able to operate and prosper because people have very limited options when it comes to choosing marketing agencies for their firm. When I say options, I am not referring to quantity, because there are a lot of marketing firms out there. However, most of these firms offer the exact same thing or provide the exact same services.

The Flipnpik platform is bringing a new approach into the marketing scene. They are going to be utilizing a blockchain powered cryptocurrency to achieve their goals. The cryptocurrency of the Flipnpik platform is called FNP. The purpose of this article is to illustrate problems in the current marketing environment and how Flipnpik will use their platform along with blockchain technology to resolve these problems.

The Problem

Whenever a business wants to reach out to or communicate their products and services to consumers they have to use different marketing tactics. Unfortunately for most business owners they either do not know how or do not have the time to implement the marketing tactics themselves. Which is why most businesses reach out to marketing firms to handle the marketing for them. What people need to realize is that large traditional marketing firms are actually a huge problem for businesses right now.

Business owners hire marketing agencies because they need their services and most large marketing firms are aware of this. Which is why they leverage their position to overcharge business owners in exchange for the marketing services.

Large businesses with a lot of financing and high revenues can afford to pay the high fees to marketing firms, whereas, small business owners and start up businesses do not have the funds to afford such services.

The reason traditional marketing platforms have to charge so much for their services is because they have to use teams of people and pay them a consistent salary whilst also providing them with numerous benefits. The traditional centralized marketing firms cover all these huge costs they incur by charging businesses large fees for their services

The Solution

Flipnpik is going to be a completely decentralized marketing platform. Which means the Flipnpik platform will provide marketing services, but unlike traditional firms they will not have to hire numerous people to perform the marketing services for them.

Everyone on the Flipnpik platform is given an incentive to seek out businesses they like and share them on their social media accounts. In exchange the users will be paid in flip social. Flip Social is a type of currency given to users in exchange for promoting companies on the Flipnpik platform.

Users can exchange their flipsocial for Flipnpik tokens (FNP). FNP is a cryptocurrency that users can exchange for other cryptourrencies such as Ethereum.


@cobone, you are interesting to read!