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RE: CryptoNight algorithm and how to mine cryptocurrency Monero, Bytecoin etc.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I'm using Fx(tm) AMD 8120 Eight Core Processor, it produces 300 H/s on average, but i'm using cpuminer-multi on ubuntu, with the minergate software i was getting 150 H/s, so i would recommend you change your mining program until you get a better pc, sorry i did not answer your question, i don't know the answer, but i believe this information is relevant.


yes, you are right. Without I said it explicit, I use minergate and yesterday I found out, they stealing a huge amount for the withdrawl and secondly they are -40% inefficient than xmr-miner. But with my windows 7 I have some sorts of problem setting up some miner. Often they are working incorrectly. Anyway. I read also if you run them on 7 cores you got 10% more energy than with 8 cores.