in #bitcoin6 years ago

Not. To facilitate transactions, we only provide the Instant Buy & Sell method. With this method, you can buy / sell Bitcoin using the best price in the orderbook and your sales process will occur instantly in seconds. This Instant Buy & Sell method will be charged a fee of 0.3% of your transaction amount.

but with UDAP, the Universal Decentralized Asset Platform, it is a blockchain middleware that provides a Quiet API and 'Asset Wallet' for application developers to create strong blockchain based applications without writing any smart contracts. This is a 'layer two' solution for non-commensurate assets to simplify and accelerate the development of blockchain applications.

what is UDAP?
UDAP is a blockchain-based asset protocol located between applications and public blockchain to provide a Quiet API and "Asset Wallet" for application developers to create strong blockchain-based applications without writing any smart contracts.
In what we call the "Asset Oriented Programming" model, application developers take advantage of traditional Internet application architectures and use UDAP as a layer of asset tokens, transaction notaries and contract adjudication in the event of a dispute.


Protocol - Singular
Singular is a new asset account model, it defines how something is pegged and how it deals with ownership and trade in a decentralized way. The Singular asset model implements the concept: One thing = One smart contract
The Singular Project is a natural development in the spirit of several previous blockchain supporters who have imagined what the blockchain will achieve with smart contracts.

The basic concept of the Internet of Asset Protocol is to build "Thick Protocol + Thin Application".
Application developers only need to have sufficient knowledge and understand their business logic and user experience. Therefore, applications are thinner and easier. Thick protocols based on UDAP middleware help them to accelerate the development of the blockchain, to secure transactions, and to reduce development costs.
UDAP Core Middleware Services
a) Service Token Service
help applications to quickly give tokens to assets in applications, such as tickets, IP rights, certificates, and game assets. It also helps applications to create currencies in the application.
b) This State Service Channel Service
applying state channel technology to help applications to partition their application logic correctly between on-chain and off-chain, to achieve the best from off-chain efficiency and on-chain perseverance. This is important to minimize costs and provide the best user experience possible.

Asset Wallet
Harvest Wallet is an Asset Wallet that supports ERC20, ERC721 and Singular type tokens. This gives individual users exceptional comfort and a uniform interface to token, manage and publish their own tokens, various assets that are commensurate and non-commensurate, and third-party applications can also connect wallets.
a) Print, manage and issue tokens
b) Supports third party applications that produce various assets.
c) It provides a programmable UI for third party applications to develop a complete user experience

UMedia is a market for collectible music and other forms of digital media assets on your mobile, it includes several complicated blockchain programming modules such as all different token services, markets, Proxy Recryption, State Channels, Singular. UMedia will demonstrate UDAP's technical capabilities. It's easy to make Dapp by UDAP. Developers can use UDAP middleware to transfer their normal business to a token-based business just like UMedia.
More different Dapps come powered by UDAP, such as Tickets, Social, Education, Games, Health, Supply Chain Finance, Data Centers, Technical Communities, Travel, E-Commerce, Libraries and so on.




Website: https://www.udap.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.udap.io/whitepapers/UDAP-Whitepaper-English-v08.pdf
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic = 5071808.0
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5069084
Telegram: https://t.me/udapcommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/udapfoundation
Facebook: https: //www.facebook .com / udapfoundation

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785646
ETH: 0x62b0f6A288263DaFCD6F8831d06fa3586daBb0ab