Amazon Patents Orwellian Tech Allowing Police To Track Bitcoin Transactions

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

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Corporatist retail giant has received approval from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a technology allowing police to track Bitcoin transactions.

As reported by CNBC, the patent--filed by Amazon Technologies--will “correlate different data streams and sell the combined feed as a subscription to people who want to track that data.”

Bitcoin transactions are specifically used as examples twice in the filing. In the first instance, the patent mentions “a data stream that publishes or includes global bitcoin transactions (or any cryptocurrency transaction)” for use by electronic or internet retailers.

Even more concerning still is the second example which explains how the tech can be used specifically by cops to keep tabs on users and track purchases made with crypto:

"For example, a law enforcement agency may be a customer and may desire to receive global bitcoin transactions, correlated by country, with ISP data to determine source IP addresses and shipping addresses that correlate to bitcoin addresses. The agency may not want additional available enhancements such as local bank data records. The streaming data marketplace may price this desired data out per GB (gigabyte), for example, and the agency can start running analytics on the desired data using the analysis module."

Statists gonna state.

Anonymity and decentralization are paramount to crypto’s value as an alternative currency---freedom from the prying eyes of government goons is reason enough to use it.

But the ring of power as symbolized in The Lord of the Rings is too alluring for even the most successful private companies, and Jeff Bezos is proving to be yet another casualty seduced by it.

Using the government patenting system to monopolize control over a technology that tracks Bitcoin transactions---that’s about as fascistic as it gets.

But apparently, it’s happening. Are we now witnessing the final stage of the co-opting of bitcoin?

This is exactly why the real ring of power needs to be destroyed altogether---and cryptocurrencies on the whole offer society one of our best hopes to achieve that.

This also reinforces why other cryptos, which we have recommended, including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Monero, are so important. In various ways, each of them offers potential privacy options that bitcoin, due to its being morphed into “digital gold” is now less able to provide.

Some want to use state-sponsored regulations to crack down on blockchains, but thankfully, “we the people” may be just too far ahead of the inefficient, archaic bureau-rats for them to catch up.

This is an epic battle that will continue being waged for years to come, with the forces of good fighting to offer cryptocurrencies that can free people, versus the state’s ongoing attempts to sequester us.

You know which side we’re on.

Join us and thousands of TDV newsletter subscribers who’ve earned incredible wealth on crypto and further liberated ourselves from the evil empire’s clutches (subscribe HERE).



It’s time for Safe Exchange Coin (SAFEX) to take it from here. Bye AMAZON! 🖕🏿

Start shilling Bcash again? Monero and Dash are way better than BTC when you want privacy, but why Bcash? explain? Bcash is as traceable as BTC, the only difference is that BTC now has Lightning Network what is untraceable because it uses onion routing. Beside that on BTC multiple privacy features are in the pipeline, but they will not be implemented tomorrow, for Bcash I didn't hear anything about privacy solutions yet.

Because with the low transaction fees all kind of onchain things are again possible (this was possible with btc in the past but no longer) including privacy things... they are already being worked on...

hm everybody interested of blockchain :)

these assholes never stop!!!

Not saying that this is good, because it isn't!! But I guess this was bound to happen, and a step that can't be avoided if you want cryptos to be accepted by governments..Just like trading, this is an area that has to be regulated, to make sure that we maintain decentralization..
I think the interest in tracking cryptos is a sign that everybody know that this is the future👍

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident.”

  • Arthur Schopenhauer

I guess this is part where it begins to get opposed and maybe even violently soon. But that will never stop the truth from emerging!

Rumours are that after second part of July mostly all cryptos will be banned by governments of more than 20 states.
Hard to know what is the truth and what to do.

Hmm Yh could be very true, this is a very big threat to government and they are already as we speak plotting and coming up with laws to battle this.

I'm not concerned with any of this. I don't think cryptos are going away.

Mike Hearn correctly predicted the demise of #Bitcoin #BTC in 2015 with this excellent & insightful article.

Thankfully, Bitcoin was upgraded to become #BitcoinCash #BCH, which solves 100% of these problems.

I wonder how much they charge for a gigabyte of bitcoin transaction data. Your tax dollars at work. You have to assume the NSA type folks are already tracking your bitcoin transactions, this just means your local sheriff can as well.