The World of Cryptocurrency - Still Hoping

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

There is now a huge cloud of doubt on some cryptonians as bitcoin dips down to $8k for several days already. Fear and uncertainty filled the heart of many and they dump their coins in a loss fashion just to save some of their hard-earned dollars. This is the moment of survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit - the moment of truth in cryptoworld whether it will survive the heavy blows that it took from all sides ranging - government banned crypto in their land, massive hacking on the exchanges which happened recently in Japan and nearly 530 million dollars was lost and this was the largest theft in history of cryptocurrency surpassing the Mt. Gox loss in 2014, and the panic sell-off of our fellow cryptonians just to save their last penny. Those ICO scammers adds agony to the present injury of crypto and this will surely discourage many in investing or trading digital currency. If this will not be stopped, cryptocurrency will be tag as Ponzi scheme by many who don't fully understand this type of currency.


But in spite of these things that were happening as of this moment, I'm still hopeful that crypto will survive from all of these obstacles. It's just a matter of time when bitcoin will get back to its track and started to rise again. Many of our fellow cryptonians were taking advantage of the situation and they bought a considerable amount of coins and waiting for it to recover. We will just keep our ground and hold on till the sun shines :)



Testing and trials always produce the best fruits. Patience, peace and HODL!

agree, we will just hodl, lol

Thank you for this information and these incentives
Certainly, Alttkwin suffered heavy losses in the past days and e-currency losses have been severe and violent since the beginning of this year after the governments of countries to tighten the grip on this market in an attempt to subject them to regulatory actions after rising record levels during the past year

Crypto now is in the midst of trials and we must grip tight for us to survive this tragic moment. Im certain that the market will recover soon.

We are going through very critical periods. but I believe that the bitcoin will recover. patience patience patience. Hodl Btc.

currently, btc is at 6k dollars. Its time to buy more btc or even altcoins...

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sure, lol
i always upvote anyone who will comment on my post. If only i have a bigger upvote value then you will receive more $$$ lol

its a critical days for btc and other cyrptos. trust in cyrptos reduced very dramatically nowadays. I hope btc get rid of this problems.

They cant fully stop bitcoin due to the technology behind it - the blockchain. This is a powerful tool that can put back crypto in its track and start to rise again.

Weak hands are being thrown out. Good things come to those who wait.

HODL and profit later.

its like survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit. lol

The BTC has gone beyond this ordeal before

Just hold on and surely it will recover soon.

this type of correction is not new for crypto market. we should believe in the technology and not the prices. there will be total 21 mil bitcoins in the world, not more. there will be more millionaire than bitcoin soon and there will be a struggle for the last bitcoin. thats how its going to be. HODL

Correction before just took several days and not even took 1 week to recover, but now its almost 2 months already - it is not just a correction but many factors were involve on why bitcoin crashed significantly

when you start in crypto you'd see alot of experts saying "Dont invest anything if you are not willing to lose it all" so if you are prepared for the worst possible then you wont be disappointed. for me every correction is an opportunity if it goes to a crash which i dont think it is i will be even more happy as it will allow me to level my purchases. its just the experience we need to grow and learn. some people are earning in bearish market without shorting.

bitcoin after lightening network will be way ahead of the rest and whats happening to all cryptos is just another reminder that bitcoin is the only coin that matter rest are all shitcoins. mark my words, this is just the shakedown and sharks are waiting around the corner, maybe they come in at 5000 or 3000 but i am prepared for all scenarios upto 1000. if it goes from this price to 100k i will be very happy and if it goes to 1000 i will be over the moon. if it goes to 1000 and stays at 1000 for 2 years i will still be a happy person. i have covered myself for all possible scenarios i can think off.

to answer your correction i did not mean the correction in relation to a couple of months ago. if you remember older corrections. in 2016 i remember a correction spanning 3 months and the pattern goes back all the way. this is just a shakedown for weak hands.

Yes, crypto will rise again with full power and will reach up to New high. It is time to show some patience. Patience is virtue. Experts believe that crypto will rise again after the start of Chinese year.All the best to cryptonians

Currently, china completely shutdown the exchanges in their land and block all sites that trades in crypto. We hope that bitcoin will survive this obstacle and rise again soon...

Impact of China banning in cryptos is great. Hope for the best. All the best to cryptonians

What do you understand by explaining? Bitcoin prices will increase? Or will it be a terrible ruin?

Bitcoin is on the test, if it will survive all these things then it surely make crypto even more stronger and that time will get back on its track and skyrocket again. We will just hold on and keep hoping.. :)