Warren Buffet — “Buying Bitcoin is NOT Investing” — says the man “bailed out by the Fed Govt last banking crisis”

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/buying-bitcoin-is-not-investing-claims-oracle-of-omaha-warren-buffett

Why is Mr. Buffet so unhappy?

Why does he have such ill wishes for others doing well ....trying to make a go in this corrupt investment world ?

Maybe Mr. Buffet enjoys that he and the other Eilite enjoy the good cooking at the expense of the others. He is entitled. He is favored by the government. He personally was bailed on in 2008 — is that investing Mr Buffet?

Mr Buffet is a big fan of another Elite Globalist ....Bill Gates, the Microsoft King.

Does Mr. Buffet have a clue that Microsoft and other companies are “all over’ the Blockchain.

He pretends not know the games is rigged.

Hell...for all we know...his pockets are deep into cryptos. That is who they are. Ask his friend at Goldman who said Bitcoin is a fraud while his company was investing and building infrastructure.

Why so bitter Mr. Buffet....? It does not wear well on you.


it's speculating. But call it what it is, as long as we make money. It gives the power to the common people to participate in the market, so it's no good for money managers like him

Yes... I agree. But doesn’t he already have $x billions? Why does he feel such need to say so much? Ignorance? Or he is just playing his role as requested?

He is not on our side for sure. And he took the bailout so need to return the favor somehow

I believe that Mr. Buffet compulsively has to lie.
Even if he tries to tell the truth, it will come out as a lie.

To him, there is only manipulation.

It is too bad for him, and his ilk, that he cannot see innovation.
This class of psychopaths have to rely on others to see it.
So said Buckminster Fueller in his last book Gr.Un.C.H. of Giants.

However, unlike all of the other changes, this one is going to change, faster, and continue to change.

The elite will have their bitcoin.
And the people will use something far better.

Bingo....he does lie. He does the bidding for the Elite first and foremost. He is loyal only to them. None of these people are ever called on thier hypocrisy.

What a typical jew banker thing to say.

LoL....you can put together quite a list. Let’s see the media go back to this guy in a year.....not a chance.

He hates it, because he doesn't understand it. The guy doesn't even have a computer on his desk at work. He's probably like crypto ? Isn't that some type of street gang. I dont like black people....

One of Obama's flunkies.

There is a network of these compromised elites across the globe ...they will be exposed in time.