RE: Bitcoin Price Manipulation – Now and Then!
It's really about understanding the stress the financial sector is playing on the value of local currencies and its devaluation over time, including the USD. After the financial crisis of 2008 the view of banking institutions having their investor's best interest in mind went south so that's really where and why the crypto scene came in. The idea is no one should be able to control currency. For now, in its early days, the huge surge in interest is certainly speculative, but you have to look for the reason why this engine started and where it's actually being used today.
Bitpay is seeing their sales surge using cryptocurrency, but beyond that it's some of the smaller troubled nations that have turned to Bitcoin, namely Venezuela, because of the hyperinflation the Bolivar has been facing for years and the inability to convert the Bolivar to another form of global currency, Bitcoin became their version of a safe haven ironically. Beyond that we have the Japanese government legalizing Bitcoin so there is movement, but you won't see mass adoption for a while. But it's coming.