Total Market Cap fell from $179,710,000,000 to $142,290,000,000 in the past TWO DAYS!?!?!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I understand that people are taking profits to cause this 37.5 Billion dollar dip but shouldn't only Bitcoin be the one showing in red? Everything is hemorrhaging and there's no end in sight. Whom ever is resposible for this, and I suspect it's a few whales playing games for gains, are genius ASSHOLES - just my very little, very humble opinion LOL


shouldn't only Bitcoin be the one showing in red?

Why? How is this any different from a day when stocks are down across the board and every stock in the Dow Jones Industrial Average is showing red?

In general, this space hasn't followed the same trending properties as the Dow Jones. In most cases, the market cap isn't disappearing and alt coins go up when bitcoin goes down. Is this the result of China banning or potentially banning ICOs? What's really happening here?

That was a GREAT read! Thanks for your replies and thanks for helping me find that article =)

have a nice day

Thanks, you too