in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin & Crypto Scenerio in 2025

⭕️ This is impossible to figure out Alts values in next few years.
The only prediction that we can do is that Ethereum will be the most likely winner out of whole cryptoMarket, because it has the most useful features.

But still you can make some predictions for cryptocurrencies as a whole, and here are some theoretical thoughts on that

✔️ Cryptocurrencies have lots of advantages over fiat money.
So in our view their great rise in value is not (solely) due to a bubble forming, but more due to them having true quality and value.
At present only 0.1% of the world population own cryptocurrencies.
Due to cryptocurrencies being superior to fiat, it makes sense to assume that more and more people will discover cryptos, and thus they more and more will rise in value.

✔️ How far can they rise?
This depends on what percentage of all financial transactions will be done by using cryptos in future.
As cryptos are very flexible (they can be used for transactions like fiat, for savings like gold, for investments like stocks), fast and cost effective, it is safe to assume that 10% of all future financial transactions could be made in crypto currencies.
What would that mean for the future value of cryptocurrencies?
Well, let’s compare two numbers:
The value of all financial assets (cash, gold, bank accounts, bonds and stocks combined) world wide is 250 trillion at present.
The value of all cryptocurrencies combined is at present 125 billion.

if cryptocurrencies will be used for 10% of all future financial transactions, this would mean that their combined value could rise up to 25 trillion (or more), which would be a 200x gain of what they are worth now.

🔘 What’s the consequence/advice?

→ If you invest some money (that you can afford to lose!) in cryptos, you can see huge gains, whilst your potential loss will always be strictly limited to the (little) money that you are willing to invest.

→ Cryptos are a huge investment chance, that might outdo anything we have seen before.

✔️ Cryptocurrencies will dwarf the dotcom-bubble (which reached somewhere between 6 and 7 trillion back in 2001) and at a current valuation of 125 billion we are still at the very beginning of this crypto-“bubble”.
Because cryptocurrencies are better than fiat money.




upvoted u n followed ..... followed me too @khadkabipin

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200x what they are worth now? 20 000 x more like it id say :)

Keep doing more bro