Make Money while you make art...Learn what this Crypto Grandma is learning and doing...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hi all Steemians;

I haven't been posting for some time... and I want to tell you what the heck I have been doing.

I could get some flack for the things I am about to start talking about, but too bad. In fact the thing I like about Steemit as a platform is that it is supposed to be completely "censorship free".

so... as an anarchist or a libertarian and a grandma who finally learned how to do an email in 2004 (no kidding) I have come a long way.

My Art And Business

I love the internet and I started working towards a business as an artist... and I still do that... and hoping to do more as my years progress... as long as my eyesight holds up... ha ha -

The kind of art work I've been doing... pencil drawing and web and blog design elements...


Frames-Backgrounds-Wreaths copy.jpg


What I am really wanting to talk about now...

I am still struggling with my business (being honest) and I am on a fixed income. I am also in great health and pretty young for my age. I take coconut oil so my brain can still learn stuff ... hee hee.

I have latched onto the world of Cryptocurrencies. I have learned about Bitcoin and own some.

I adore the whole concept of this new world.

As an older woman (single) and healthy I am looking at many years of living ahead. The way things are going in the economy and on my "set income" I could be living in "poverty" for many of those looming years ahead.

When I realized this, and started being aware of the situation in the world I realized I had to take the future into my own hands. I cannot rely on the Government or any big Corporation either.

I have researched and am so excited about what I now see as opportunities...

If you haven't researched the Crypto world at all... I suggest you delve into it. There are so many great people out there who will help you learn about Bitcoin, and all of the amazing crypto opportunities out there.

What I want to do with my Steemit Blog for now on is to let some older people know about this, and any other struggling artists out there.

The things I have learned (will explain many of them further including buying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, trading Bitcoin, investing in several platforms that are so exciting to me) will be introduced to you, and I encourage you to do your own research. I can give you ideas of things to research.

Some Of The Things I Am Already Involved In That Are Making Me Money!


Bitcoin ownership and hodling (this means holding - obviously but is deliberately misspelled to represent Hold On for Dear Life...) while Bitcoin soars and I will even talk about how to do some trading to increase your holdings.

I have been learning trading from a 20 year old young man on youtube. I think that's hilarious. He's really smart and I have learned a ton.


Okay this one will fire up some people cause I have heard so much FUD (means Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about this organization. I invested in this with a very tiny amount of money about 3 1/2 months ago. Some comments will be about how this is a scam and a ponzi scheme... yep heard it all.

What I know is that my tiny amount of money (like the tiniest amount you can invest) is growing like nothing I have ever seen before in my lifetime. I of course know that it is a risk. However, there are so many good things that I have seen since I started - instances where the "secretive" owners have displayed their integrity - when they didn't have to that I just have to tell people about this.

Of course this is a third party and we have to have some trust, but the longer I am in this the more I am feeling the trust into the future. Will it last forever?

Probably not, but it is a way to create savings and earnings that I never thought possible.
I will let you know many people are saying don't get involved with this organization, but on my next post I am going to start explaining some very serious mis-understandings and darned right mis-information that some folks keep repeating.

So... For that terrible site I love... check it out.


Wow there is so much information on Youtube about Silver and it's future. It is going to blow your mind in the future price. I will be talking about this too. I own some silver and have been travelling on the bus and train to a dealer where I can buy some silver coins. They call this silver stacking. I have managed to take a tiny bit of money once in a while... probably not often enough.

Mintbuilder (Silver and Bitcoin together... Whaat?)

Okay now this is where the whole things get really interesting. This is a MLM Network Marketing Company - yes and it talks about referrals etc. So if you hate those... you might as well leave.

But I have signed up...


Well first of all it is just getting started. But... it is a re-invention of a quality silver coin selling internet company with like a decade behind it.

What they have done is really smart.

First of all I paid for my membership with Bitcoin... hah... how cool is that. Yes there is a lifetime membership or a yearly membership and it is an investment.

I will get silver delivered to my home (no more bus and train to find some) every month. Now there is a cost for the silver coins... I have set up an auto shipping thingy for $127.00 a month. This hurts a bit now. But is doable. I get silver coins. So really it is just transferring some (fiat) money into real money (silver).

I signed up under someone - as I said yes you get referrals... but one person per month gets my silver delivered to me - paid for and delivered - free... yep.

So by signing up you are helping an old lady buy her silver stash. That was a bit of selling you on the pity. Just kidding.

The best part of this... is yes you get your monthly buy of silver free with one new person per month.

Now... the interesting thing is that I just signed up and this is my first post... but guess what - because this network is growing so fast - there is a trickle down effect and I already have two people - from my upline... not my referrals... and they still count. Okay still learning about this, but I think that means my order for my silver - going through in 30 days won't come from me, but from my commissions.

That alone is the most amazing thing!

Also, apparently as you add referrals you then start to earn a weekly paycheque. I will tell you - I am so excited about this. The amounts seem incredible. Also, they can pay you in $ or Bitcoin.

So... I will be paid in Bitcoin if I want or I can get $'s weekly. They are talking about $250 per week, or $500 per week, $1000 per week up to $10,000 per week. Now... does this seem realistic? I don't know yet. So I will let you know as things progress.

All I know is that if you are among the earliest people in an MLM yes you make money. Do I feel bad about that? Not really, it just means I took part in an opportunity in a decisive way and might make some dough $$$.

I will let you know more about this in future posts. However, I have a link below... if you want to investigate.

this is the perfect combo for me... silver and Bitcoin increasing... yahhhhhh!

Anyway I will be learning more about this as I go, but have investigated somewhat and feel there are some good, relevant, honourable people in the leadership of this. I will tell you more and I am very excited about these early
beginnings. Why don't you check out my promotional website (oh by the way I didn't have to do a thing... they just gave me this Cool Site where I can invest and grow my silver holdings and my Bitcoin holdings. Notice at the bottom it has my name... Barb Cederberg. I am GranBlock the Crypto Gram...

Don't forget I am part of really growing upline and it does trickle down... and I will give you honest feedback and we will learn on this journey together. Yep and earn!

Next I will write further about the future value of Bitcoin and Silver...

Don't forget to start your own research. I am not a financial advisor in any kind of way, I am just a grandma passing on what I am doing.



You have made a very interesting point for me. My country is a traditional producer of silver and mines are still producing, we have started producing gold, but is all going away nothing is staying for local trade. Silver is still around, quite a morsel of food for thought. Also trying to move on with art as well. Thanks for this, you have helped my perspective and future plans.

So glad this article helped in some way. I have lived through financial losses in my life and I intend to have a prosperous future - all with the help of Bitcoin and Silver. Together a pretty amazing team going into the future.

hi again @granblock

I take coconut oil so my brain can still learn stuff

Does it help with your brains?

The way things are going in the economy and on my "set income" I could be living in "poverty" for many of those looming years ahead.

You really have a gloomy vision of your own future. Hope things will net get so bad for you in the future.

is a very old post of yours. i wonder if you even will read my reply @granblock
