
Here is the XVG/BTC analysis. Please use only to augment your due diligence.


This person known on Steemit as @Haejin is WANTED by the SOUTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT for TAX EVASION!!! They are coming after him. He has been reported to them & they know where he is. If you upvote this person & contribute money to him you could be charged in the matter of the court case. It is best to UNFOLLOW @Haejin & @StarJuno now. Do not UPVOTE or TRANSFER any FUNDS to these accounts. Any money you send to this criminal organisation can be traced back to you.

UPVOTE this WARNING to make sure others know about this.

Will do later today!


This person known on Steemit as @Haejin is WANTED by the SOUTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT for TAX ENVASION!!! They are coming after him. He has been reported to them & they know where he is. If you upvote this person & contribute money to him you could be charged in the matter of the court case. It is best to UNFOLLOW @Haejin & @StarJuno now. Do not UPVOTE or TRANSFER any FUNDS to these accounts. Any money you send to this criminal organisation can be traced back to you.

UPVOTE this WARNING to make sure others know about this.

Make sure you downvote all of @Haejin's scammy post!!!

Screenshot (85)_LI.jpg

This a mafia and worse speculators ever currency . I will never put money in it again


This person known on Steemit as @Haejin is WANTED by the SOUTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT for TAX ENVASION!!! They are coming after him. He has been reported to them & they know where he is. If you upvote this person & contribute money to him you could be charged in the matter of the court case. It is best to UNFOLLOW this person now. Do not UPVOTE or TRANSFER any FUNDS to his account. Any money you send to this criminal can be traced back to you. UPVOTE this post to make sure others know about this.

Good luck on getting a reply. He's too busy counting his money :) There are others who will appreciate your vote more

He doesn't care about anyone's vote besides his whale account friends that are scamming the platform. He can literally post a video about nothing, and almost instantly his friends come along to upvote him and flag anyone who posts anything even remotely negative. Heck you are probably going to get flagged for your comment.

As for XVG - announcement coming in 2 weeks, will likely cause a surge in price depending on what the big partnership is

I guess his posts do contain some real content, even if it's of no interest to me. It's a shame he chooses to not support anyone else. Why vote for someone who doesn't care about your votes? There are others more deserving. I guess people hope for some curation rewards.

I'll take the risk on getting flagged. I just won't get into the personal attacks some people do.

The issue isn't his content. I do not agree with most of it lately but regardless he can create whatever content he wants. Some people find it helpful and that is great, it is what this platform is about. I actually supported him before all the upvote junk came about and he was getting his justified payouts of $20-50 (what all the other TA "experts" are getting).

My point about him posting "a video about nothing" wasn't because the video had no content, it was more due to the fact he receives hundreds of dollars in payouts from himself and the same two whales within 1 minute of posting a 20 minute video. So he is making more than pretty much everyone on here without his content even being viewed. That is a joke and abusing the system. The rest of the people voting on here give him the extra $20-50 that is deserved.

Most people on here call everyone who is against it and who flag him a hater, yet they fail to see how bad this is for the platform and how it could possibly limit how well this platform is adopted. It will also limit new and current content creators from using this platform as why would they put hours/days/weeks into a project when you have someone putting 5 minutes of TA together and taking most of the reward pool through abusing the system.

Heck most of the good TA people that were on here already left to twitter and they do better TA and live stream several hours a day. They are completely open and honest about their trading and are engaged with their viewers rather than flagging them to death for disagreeing.

I was actually planning on putting a good chunk of money into this platform because I used to believe in it, but it is becoming quite clear that this platform isn't going anywhere the way it is now

Seems he and his fans can't abide any criticism of what he does. I want to see people get rewarded here, but the system allows for this sort of greed. Not sure what we can do about it without losing the freedom most crave. I'd complain less if he ever gave something back. He can afford to.

Yeah tell me about it. My rep is now at 7, starjuno just went and flagged every post i wrote the last week. This is getting ridiculous.

I have been flagged for telling people to look deeper into coins like bit connect, because they well known as scam coins = flagged. BERN coin has no acitivity, no dev team, no forum posts in 6 months, and just telling people that it may not be worth the risk = flagged. He responds "well people said the same thing about SPR and look how that turned out" = he gets 2 votes from his whale friends for $35. I comment he said the same SPR quote in Bitconnect post and look how that turned out = flagged and rep down 25.

I am honestly tempted to throw money in just to knock him down a peg or two.

starjuno seems like a big fan :) Oh look where his delegation comes from!

Unfortunately it would take really serious money to dent what he does. Also, he's not the only one plundering the system. At least he's open about it. Others give themselves massive votes on junk comments. That won't show up on trending. It would only need a few whales to cooperate and deal with it.