Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Mosquito Fractals!

in #bitcoin7 years ago


No, I wasn't bored nor did I have too much time on my hands. I always wish humand never had to sleep and had 48 hours ina day! I made this cartoon based Bitcoin (BTC) fractal to emphasize how needlelike price dips have it the blue long term support line before and it is doing so again. IF this support holds as it has for months now, price is expected to bounce in a near V-like move. It'll be like when one senses the sudden bite of a mosquito; the reaction is reflexive!

The below chart shows that something has to give. It'll either be the long term support or the resistance on the price or MACD symmetrical triangle. When bullish wedges (downward pointing) are consecutive and embedded within a larger pattern (imgrenated); outcome probabilty leans towards bullish. There could be a piercing of the support lines but it'll have to be temporary; eg no more than a day or so and price will have to return back inside the triangle. IF so, this would be a bull wick. Let's see how the overnight price action takes place.

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor is any content in this article presented as financial advice. The information provided in this blog post and any other posts that I make and any accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice of any kind. One should consult with a financial or investment professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. Plain English: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

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Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
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Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
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Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
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Great drawings @haejin. Definitely better and more informative than those of the trolls.

Mosquitos !!! No one else could have spotted these patterns 😄😄😄😄😄
Hoping it was the last mosquito, I'm fed up to have all my blood sucked out of my portfolio ...

We should ask TradingView to implement them. 🙌

Too funny. Too funny. I never knew you had this sense of humor. Bravo!

He has no sense of humor. He is still a SCAMMER!!!

Can I ask you a serious question? Why are you so obsessed with Haeijin?

he really loves him lol

He gets paid every time he trolls @haejin.

I am new to Steemit, and I find Haejin's post on crypto very informative. But to be honest I find this campaign against him very immature, it would certainly stop me from coming back onto Steemit, as it indicates a very immature user base, were it not for this educational journey with TA that Haejin provides. If it weren't for Haejin's posts I think I would totally give this site a miss based on the profane and childish nature of these attacks.

Agree with you 100%... I don't get it either. Apparently if you spend your entire day every day doing TA on various coins REQUESTED BY THE COMMUNITY and then god forbid people upvote you and you make some money by doing work you must be a scammer somehow!?!?

Yeah I'd say a good portion of people like littledogg over here are here simply to be trolls and think they need to police anyone making money off their work. Pretty clear by the amount of views on each post by @haejin that people want his TA and opinions. This one has almost 3,500 views at my time of writing this. It's just haejin's opinion and update on the market state... doesn't have to turn out right or wrong.

I'll skip the rest of the comments stooping down to lildogg's level. Pretty clear he/she has way too much time on their hands and seems to have some fetish with posting 100 times on haejin's every post.

Exactly, I have learned so much about TA & Elliot Waves from watching these updates. Do I attempt to trade by them? No. I am already in positions that I am happy with long term. But I imagine once cryptos are at new ATHs what I have learned will be a fantastic resource for protecting gains and perhaps making better calls as to when to get out. However, the insulting, pathetic and juvenile trolling I find pretty unfathomable.

Haejins calls have been astoundingly, blatantly wrong for the last 3 months. He even continued to make extremely bullish calls on crap coins the entire time bitcoin was in correction mode, even though every decent trader knew their success was already hinging off bitcoin going back up again. Not a single call he has made has come true the last few months.

You should go back to playing Farmville.

@mhedens You must play with Barbies. Because your flags are so soft like pussy & do not hurt.

@eaglet Your pathetic flags cause no harm to me. Go play Mario Kart little boy.

@jkk4life JackOff4Life Go buy some more lube. Those flags do nothing to me. You would make more money FLAGGING HAEJIN!!! Join @FlagAWhale today.

@thabiggdogg is a paid shill. Pay no attention to him.

Or Just press the Mute button on him and all trolls

@danpaulson is a cock smoker. Pay no attention to that gay mofo.

Haejin as one of your private students and having several private TA lessons I have to come out and speak out. Come on man you know BTC is on a bearish trend and we are heading towards the 3000 - 3500 level. Why not just tell your followers and warn them of that. Why did you not warn them long ago like back in early January to take refuge in fiat, so they could buy at the bottom. You are still preaching a bullish trend, surly someone of your caliber with the knowledge you have in TA knows better than that. If you truly care for your followers then help them and not just use them for steemit credit...

You are so absolutely right! It looks like when @haejin only touches the "B" on his keyboard the word "Bull" gets atomaticly written.
Words are spreading that "guys like @haejin" are always talking bullish to "sell their content" on the alt-coins. Personally I don't like it when chartmakers are yelling at other chartmakers, but this one @haejin has to thank on its own.
About three months ago I already started warning people overhere we were in a bearish market. The reply of @haejin was "laughing that people were looking at a brooken clock."
He wrote it under the post of PlexCoin where he also mentioned Plexcoin wasn't dead but forming a bull-wick. PLX now is 122 Satoshi, being almost worthless.
@haejin, I already asked you to become the honest guy you once were in the early days. The one that warned us when BTC was at $ 5.000,-- and could easily fall back down to $ 2.000,--

And just to show you what I mean with "Words are spreading". Just skip to 5:16

Finally, someone with some sense. Haejin is just milking the absolute shite out of steemit with his amateur TA and "extrwemey boolliiishhh" predictions. In fact, I've seen people new to TA call the retracement to the 3-4k mark which is more accurate than the 50+ TA's haejin has done over the last few months on bitcoin.

Inspired by some of the comments maybe? No disrespect, but I think we are going down and I personally don't see mosquitoes on the coinbase chart, but huge red dildos screwing all the bulls. It doesn't look as if someone wants to buy now - probably below 6K it will be different. However, we might end up way below 6K if there is more panic and more negative news (and there has been both recently). This is just my opinion, it is not a financial advise.

Just woke up and you made me smile :-), thanx for that!

Dildos are even better than mosquitoes. We should implement them, too. 😂

@humblestudent, I only have one correction to make on your post. Huge dildos are always black. Has to do something with mother nature I think.

Lol, @humblestudent next time just let yourself go and make some art too.
We would love to see huge green ones in your painting ;-)

Bitcoin is simply a long term asset small prediction should be avoided

Wasn't the apex much closer like 2 days ago? I swear it always looks like we're on the verge of a big break out like every day. I've always followed and upvoted, now i am starting to question. I mean I know TA is about probability, but I can stretch or contract time on the charts and draw wedges and triangles a thousand different ways. When I look at BTC over 1 year, i can't see a super clear ABC 12345... I have always stuck up for haejin, but I can't tell if he doesn't want to shoot us straight and wants to forge some level of support for crypto even in a super bearish market, or if he's just been wrong more often than he used to

The fact is, we are in a downwards trend and we have been in a downwards trend for quite some time. I think we are going down to 6K, then a little bounce, then down to 4K and below (in April, 2018). This larger dip will be short-lived. Big money bankers (Goldman-Sachs) are opening up new crypto-trading offices on May 14th, which will bring even more large investors into BitCoin. Before the "big boys" jump in, they will shake out the weak hands with a bunch of pump-and-dumps to get the price down as low as possible. Then, they buy massive amounts at low prices, sending the price into moon orbit. Buying anywhere around 6K or lower is fine - but it still might go as low as 2K (middle to end of April) before we get our moonshot - that will probably spike around late summer (July - August - or later).

Trying to day-trade ends up being very difficult not to get yourself into a position where you are "over-trading" which, is basically eating up any profits you could have made with trading fees. Unless you know what you are doing, and are using an amount over 5K or 10K, fees will eat up your ability to make much profit. Mark my words - WE ARE GOING LOWER for a while. Sit tight, watch the action, check in every day - and buy the dip. Right now, this is just the beginning or middle of the dip. We're still going lower. We'll get a good bounce at 6K, then another good one at 5K - but the trend remains bearish until we get into the 2K - 4K range. Problem: when the price goes that low, big bankers will scoop up BTC before most people can take advantage of those low prices. They will do this in a very coordinated and secretive way, lest they tip off the general public as to what is going down. Their buy-in will probably be done off of the major exchanges, from an early investor who holds tons of BitCoin and wants to cash out at massive profits. When people find out what has happened, it will be after the fact. The big dip and buy-in will probably only last a matter of a few minutes, if we see it at all - most people will miss out on buying the low. So, buy in around 6K, then some at 5K, then some at 4K... by the end of summer you will be able to take big, big profits.

The debate over haejin's repetitive postings is a valid one. He talks a lot without really ever saying anything. He knows it's a bear market - yet he still gives people hope of "getting rich quick" because they are gullible and he tickles their ears very effectively. He's quite good at what he does, both as an analyst and as a "salesman." For him, it is clear that SteemIt is a great place for him to ply his "salesmanship" craft, and he is being rewarded with big money for doing so. People on SteemIt don't like it - but mostly the ones who haven't honed their craft of salesmanship quite as well as haejin has. Trust me - haejin knows exactly what he is doing, but he's not being authentic with everyone. When a used car salesman sells you a car, he's going to emphasize the positives. He has no idea if the car will go 100 miles or 100,000 miles when you drive it off the lot - but he's going to tell you that "it COULD go 100K miles" and he wouldn't be lying to you - just working for the best price he can profit from.

There's a reason why haejin includes a disclaimer in every post he makes - because he's telling you, right up front, he's not a financial advisor and you won't get rich following his advice. He is correct about that, half of the time. As long as BTC is going down, he's wrong - but, as long as BTC is going up, he's right! He always gives a bull/bear scenario - that way he's never really "wrong," but he can always claim that he was "right!" I read heajin like I read the horoscope every day - it's great entertainment, but don't make your life plans based on your astrologist telling you, "There is a very beneficial financial decision in your future."