FREE Technical Analysis for ANYONE!! By a 15+ Year Veteran of Elliott Waves & Chart Pattern Recognition!!
Since June, when I joined Steemit; the objective of this blog has been to help and do no harm. To that end, I have posted hundreds of Technical Analysis for hundreds of coins..ALL FREE and nearly 97% of the analysis were at the requests of followers, readers and passersbys. And using these blogs of mine, MANY have PROFITED!
I know someone who made $80,000 profit from the VERGE Bullish call alone which I analyzed in my blogs! A young 21 year old man has made his $65k portfolio into >$213K through my help and coaching. Another young man who lost almost everything of his starting $300k is now starting again but with my guidance. I can go on and on. My ardent and TRUE desire is to HELP and do no harm and my blog executes this precisely! What have I done wrong to have so many haters?
This is the Season of Giving and I've tried to give as much as I can all throughout the year. I've put together Tutorials which are ALL FREE and always listed at end of each of my blogs. I've made morning and evening video updates all aimed at teaching and helping others to also learn Technical Analysis. I've done as much coaching in the comments as possible to help others to discern future price pathways and profit.
And yet, when a heavy hitter happens to UpVote my blogs because he had found them so helpful, so profitable and had not seen such level of accuracy anywhere else...I get so many hate messages and unwarranted DownVotes. It makes me truly sad and hurt. But, I didn't live my 47 years of life to give up at the heckle of haters!
So, yet once again, as I've done many times before, I put out the call, LOUD and CLEAR as EVER, for ANYONE who would like help with their Cryptos to come to my blog and receive FREE Technical Analysis. If you are losing money because of FOMO and Panic Selling habits...I believe my Technical Analysis Methods can help. Please make your request at this site and I'll respond with a detailed Technical Analysis:
My evidence of performance is in my blogs. My calls are about 88% to 96% accurate! I've learned a valuable skill and I'd like to share this with others and teach others to learn it and use it for their benefits. What have I done wrong to get so much haters?
As always, I wish you MASSIVE profits!!
Even to ALL the Haters and DownVoters...God's Peace!
Kind Regards,
Haejin Lee
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!

If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me a beer:
BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**
Bullshit. If it wasn't about the rewards you can feel free to decline them on any post. Don't pretend to be a man of the people when you're really just like everyone else.
Your analysis isn't FREE, it's now raping the Steem reward pool to the tune of 6%. Do you feel you deserve 6% of the total reward pool just for your posts and advice? That's quite a bold statement.
Keep it up berniesanders for what its worth I will down vote you and your buddies where ever I find you and I will now make it a point checking yours and your buddies posts daily so I can down vote anything you post.
I'm with you.
Lol go get that Troll!
same here ;)
Insane comment("raping?", oh please!), and most likely part of a gang of paid trollers who go around making rude comments on the best blogs and then upvoting each other, so as to say, "yeah lots of people feel this way!". Unfortunately this type of thing exists. Fortunately I see right through it. Agendas abound. Go troll somewhere else, Troll-man!
P.S. 49 upvotes my ass...
Oh wow, I just saw this- total manipulation of voting power for money.. ...and this link was posted by someone who upvoted the troll above.
This is 'Bernies' bot, THE OG!
Olivers-wilde is one of the fake accounts that is actually owned by Haejin.
Boy, you do have a lot of time to waste,don't you? And yet you can't prove anything! Pity...such is the life of haters. Now I will kindly mute you as I spent enough time on you, troll :)
He deserves it. Why not? He teaches and shares a lot of great interesting thing.
You are just jealous with him.
I'm confused. He's giving some legit quality calls with follow up posts to prove it. Not only that, but i'm sure multiple people on this blog including myself could say it's personally helped them make money.
You're now upset because he says "giving this analysis for free", but accepting upvotes for $$$ (Doesn't like 99% of the people on steemit allow upvotes and isn't that why 99% of us are here instead of facebook, twitter, we can get paid for what we love and help out others at the same time?)
Do you just prefer he says - Please upvote the crap out of my posts? Would that honestly change anything at the end of the day?
The system isn't perfect and if we want to give him upvotes for the data why shouldn't we be able to?
As far as I know he's not screwing with the "system", he's literally just posting what people want to see.
If he wants to collect upvote rewards for putting in the time to analyze the charts who are you to say he shouldn't?
If that's the case then I'm guilty as charged cause I'd GLADLY take a lot more upvotes for extra $$$ for my content cause right now I get about $0 payout for my crappy posts.
Why is it now your decision to decide who gets rewards and who shouldn't?
Lastly, why didn't you just turn off your earnings for the comment if you're not into getting extra $$$...
Help me understand what the real problem is here <---- (Honest question)
I can't really find fault in @haejin and his supporters or in @berniesanders and anybody on the other side of things. You can't exactly blame a guy for pushing the system to the limit if he knows he can make >$8k a day off of it. Unfortunately, due to the way Steem is set up, any one user becoming that successful has a negative impact on all other users of the platform. Haejin's giant payouts mean less for everyone else, which may or may not be good for Steemit in the long run. If you don't think that some of these posts are worth $2k-3k USD, then flag them. If you think haejin deserves the money for producing quality calls, upvote. Simple as that.

You are a jealous dick head, who obviously does not have the mental capacity to compete in an open market.
i have personally profited over 100k in the last 6 weeks alone following Haejins blog and watching his videos. No other post on steemit or any other blog has done that for me, the same way Amazon deserves their 50%+ of the ecommerce market, Google deserves 70% of the search market, yes he deserves 6%+ of the pool and more. welcome to the world where creating value is rewarded aka capitalism.
Whining about how someone who produces actual value doesn't "deserve" the rewards freely granted by those who appreciate his work. I must say your Steem username couldn't be more spot-on.
@Berniesanders, you are what we in Australia call a real cunt. If you do not like and appreciate what he does for all of us then just move on.
Go get a life but then again your life must really suck if you have to go around and try and degrade every one around you. I say it again, YOU ARE A CUNT
I disagree on the 12 dollars you get by coming here and posting this nonconstructive BS! So as the Steem community general consensus dictates I flag you in hopes that it will bring balance to the amount you earn by disseminating crap!
youre a selfish person, cant imagine whats coming out of you, you really must be paid to do this. A man must reap the fruit of his labour, either good or bad. Haejin is reaping GOOD cuz he has sown GOOD, you definitely will reap whats due to you for these your rude statements.
Haejin keep it up.
Your post garnered the same earnings and it's full of hate. Please leave so adults can speak.
I can't remember you downvoting any of the posts your "buddy" made 6 months ago, he was earning multiple times more rewards and he had only 1/10th of the views haejin has and he mostly posted simple bullshit picture charts.
Now I see him (this ozchartart guy) all too eager to ally with you and downvote other people's post.
What's the deal you have?
Nice i just put flag on this post
I think the rewards for his posts should be much higher, because the impact he has on our economic and educational state. Haejin is the blessing from up ubove, so cool your nerves mate...
Haterz gonna hate faggots gonna fag. We love @haejin so subject closed.
dude 8 posts in one day is unnecessary. hes taking over 6% of the reward pool. these posts could easily be consolidated to 1 to 3 posts. 8 is insane and GREEDY! at that rate he is making 600k a month. GREED!
You can do the same mate. (if you can) People like his posts and some ppl hate hate his success. Are you jelly? Please give me some more names like @haejin so we can follow them too. Maybe this could balance the pool share a bit.
How about you follow haejin? this will give much more rewards than rewards you are complaining about.
This guy is an idiot. Dan Larimer gave him $2 million in Steem, for nothing, and now thinks it’s ok to tell other people what they do and don’t deserve. Guess what bernie, real people and not bots are voting up haejin. You keep your little bots going you sad little boy. Until the likes of you are dealt with steemit will continue to be a complete and utter joke.
What? I have reviewed your stupid cryptokitty crap posts to try and score votes, perhaps if you generate some real content like haejin then you won't need to cry about him doing so much better than you. He gets the votes because he deserves them, but you just can't handle good content creators doing a good job because you suck at it. haters gonna hate
cryptokitty LOL
What doing here? Let us to learn all this shit and go away ...
I do not understand 100% of your postings.
Because my native language is Hangul
Also, my English is not good.
But I have never seen anyone give accurate forecasting skills like you for free.
But who's down voting?
I can not understand.
Although my steem power is only 58,000
If you need it, please feel free to ask.
I am ready to respond to your request at any time.
I fully support you!
I fully support haejin and his skills are unbelievable! To haejin you are helping so many people like myself with your blog! I have a wife and 3 young children and your blog has had SO MUCH positive effect on my entire family! Your analysis has multiplied our families nest egg!! I have been. HODLER of bitcoin and eth for a long time.... but using your AMAZING GUIDANCE I have been able to grow it exponentially! I have also made investments for other family members! From where I stand you are a WONDERFUL PERSON AND I TRULY HOPE YOU CONTINUE YOUR EXCELLENT WORK FOR US ON STEEM!! Thanks from me and my family!!
I do understand, and I wish we all lived in your world. I fully support you. I am at your service, in the spirit of my living teacher, and coach.
Hangul saram nomu chuvasoio :D
Keep up the good work!
@haejin, @ranchorelaxo
Thank you.
I am always at your service.
@solisrex You are a good person......Blessings and much love😇
Thank you for everything.
I've seen it all and know where things are going. I know how these people think and I know they are the biggest threat to steemit. I've repeatedly called for a constitution to get rid oft these self-rightous commies. Even their logic is 100% wrong. The reward pool is distributed according to the voting weight each person has received. upvote is a positive weight and flag is a negative one. "Reward pool rape" is a manufactured crime. Instead of putting a positive weight on other posts or flagging spam/plagiarists, These suckers just pick bunch of high values posts They deem unfairly rewarded and start flagging them.
You are not going to be able to do anything about these commies. They pick one fight and then move to another and then another...... I'm already sick and tired with this. There is only one path I see.
Get whales to keep upvoting the shifu and earn curation rewards while flaggers earn none.
Upvote the good people who got crushed fighting the good fight.
That's a one jealous TA and look what he has to say about @haejin's analysis. He also makes about $45 per post and @haejin used to make way less.
Yes! When I see this I think of paid trollers - Paid trolling exists and frequently has as its purpose stirring up controversy, creating a distraction, and just overall being a negative influence to the truth seekers of the world...They are frequently seen all over youtube in the "truther movement" video channels and blog sites. I think you are right about this being a manufactured crime(reeks of total bs). So why are they here?? I know corporations hire paid trollers- so take your pick of who might be at work here. Possibly because Steem itself is seen as a threat, as it slowly steals advertising dollars away from all the other social media sites? Just a guess, who knows.... I usually try not to engage (sigh, but I just couldn't help myself with that guy above!) Who would ever attack a guy like @haejin??
P.S. Sometimes I think they are bots...maybe not this bernie sanders guy, but some I think are...
Sorry to say this and i mean no offense. But you don't know shtick about these people. How does most gov legislation come? They are just manufactured crimes. Why are they there? Because some people are self- righteous scum. This isn't much about paid trolls. It's just commies (A fitting name- bernie) and what they want is control. What's happening here is exactly what happened with Bitcoin which was exactly what happened with Russian commie revolution.
It's people deciding on how things should be distributed paying zero atttention to the Non-Aggression-Principle.
If this was paid trolls, that would restore my faith in humanity. For someone who spend a lot of time in his head and read/watch psychological horror let me tell you that you are greatly underestimating human darkness.
It's people with power deciding what's best for the community. steemit is going the way of Bitcoin. Just know when to walk away when the Dash equivalent comes.
See the forest beyond the trees, it's beautiful. Haejin brought me there. I already see you, there, standing next to me.
he should not be posting 8 times a day. it is reward pool rape and he only started doing this recently. ive been following him for a long time and love his work. but 8 posts in 24 hours is ridiculous. they could easily be consolidated into 2 or 3 posts.
Star Wars is making too much money crushing all the other movies in theater. We should redistribute some of it to the little guys; probably to some box office flop.
You know Fifty Shades of Grey (some real stupid trash of a book) sold over 100 million copies. That too much. That's a large percentage of yearly book sales. These buyers should be doing something else with their purchasing power (voting power) Somebody need to fix this.
USA claims too large a portion of global GDP. We should let Cuba and Venezuela have a piece of that.
Seriously man, don't go after manufactured crimes and become a commie.
i dont see how any of that is relevent. 8 posts in one day getting votes from the same huge voters seems a little off putting. i have no problem with someone making their money. but something seems a little fishy here. this didnt start happening til very recently.
im far from a commie. commies deserve a buller.
also all of your examples arent receiving all their money from the same people every day every post either.
its fine he can continue on. but i definitely wont be upvoting 8+ posts a day thats for damn sure lol. all ive seen on my feed is haejin the last 2-3 days.
Says some who's selling all account functionalities for 0.1SBD
That's just epic.
Actually movies and books make a large portion of money from fans. Your argument is factually inaccurate. Your argument also implies that it's wrong to receive rewards from the same group of people over and over. Who the hell are you to tell people what they should be doing with their upvotes. What is the crime with someone repeatedly upvoting the same person. If I buy food from the same shop everyday without going to any other shops, how can that be a crime. Is it wrong because I decide to go to one shop always and never spend my money on any other shop? Does Other shops have a right to negate my payments to @haejin's or anyone else's shops on the basis that I spend it on one or 2 people instead of the entire community which I may not even find subjectively valuable.
If that isn't communism you are delusional.
Do you know how to unfollow someone. It's an interesting function offered by the free market where you are selling your UPVOTE, FOLLOW, & RESTEEM on.
Man your butt must be sore. What's wrong with selling upvotes and resteem? If you look at my profile it doesn't happen often because I curate the content for quality first.
I do know how to unfollow. I said I like his analysis and content for the 3rd time I don't like 8 posts a day that could easily be condensed because they aren't long posts.
You're just as bad as the side thats down voting him. I can't even reply to you anymore. You talk like a child. You act like I'm against haejin when I'm clearly not. But I'm not worshipping every post the guy makes like you are either.
Get a grip dude.
First of all how about addressing any of the facts and arguments I presented. You have adressed none and claims I'm no different from downvoters.
1)I haven't broken the NAP
2)I have presented facts and pointed out your inaccurate claims
3)I've made solid arguments using logic
Your main argument is "I don't like " which has zero facts in it and purely feelings based.
I refuse to accept that you have reached a reputation of 58 without noticing that the "follow" button turns into "unfollow" after you click on it. I see no clear reason why you don't know how to unfollow.
Factually incorrect according to what's recorded on the blockchain. I don't upvote half of @haejin's posts because it depletes my tiny voting power too much. I only commnet on about 10% or at most 20% of his posts. I also follow other TAs and comment and upvote them.
I have nothing against vote selling. I use bots too. It's recorded on the blockchain. I mentioned that for the irony that you are against @haejin making 8 profitable calls a day calling it
2)reward pool rape
all because some people voted him without any coercion or additional incentive. All the while you are selling UPVOTE, FOLLOW, & RESTEEM for direct financial gain.
Next time think with logic and fundamentals instead of feelz.
Same to you Solisrex.
@haejin because of you i made a steemit account and this is my first post ever.
ive discoverd and have been following your steemit for about 5 days now and just finished the last tutorial. Both books will arrive this weekend i hope.
let this be a new chapter in my life!
thank you very much Haejin,
Behind every succesfull person lies a pack of haters.
H: Having
A: Anger
T: towards
E: everyone
R: reaching
S: success
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”
― Winston S. Churchill
unfortunately churchill is a very unpleasant personality..
Sure stay away from bitcoin! Stay in the USD. You know that's a safe bet because it's backed by $100+ trillion in debt and a quadrillion worth of derivatives!
That's another way to look at it
I initially read this as technical analysis by a 15 year old. lol
That is unbelievable. You are offering free advice and people are hating on you. Don't let them get to you. I've learned a lot from your posts and videos and I feel that you are providing a great service to the Steemit community. Keep Posting!!! And Gain MASSIVE PROFITS!!!