VERGE (XVG) Update: BULLISH Ascending Right Triangle Targets $0.43; >400% Profit Potential!!
VERGE (XVG) is one of my favorite coins! The Technical Analysis is just pristine BULLISH! The below chart shows the updated Elliott Waves and short term targets. Wave (i) and (ii) are complete and the so Wave (iii) is in progress and the blue subwaves outline the price pathway. The video has tons more details!
The below shows the combination of Chart Pattern and Elliott Waves. The comingling of these two methods provide a powerful algorithm to reproducibly and accurately project price pathway from a probabilistic point of view. Check out the Bullish Ascending Right Triangle! If this is labeled using a,b,c,d,e (blue); the destination is confirmed...UP! At $.043; that >400% profit potential!!
Below is the XVG/BTC pair. Admire the Cup & Handle and now a gigantic a,b,c,d,e triangle in progress! This triangle has waves d and e to complete and so, laggin the XVG/USD pair. However, the expected breakout from this baby will be a site to behold!
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**
Is Anoncoin ( ANC )completing a cupe and will be starting to form a handle ?? Is this one under the radar ??
I kind of see a similarity with the Steem chart
I also think ANC is under the radar !
Amazing stuff haejin
Bought it purely because of you. Kept HODLing.
And now we're on the VERGE of huge profits.
Got my heart jumping at $.43 -- then I saw its $0.042 -- LOL I know it will get to $1.00 sometime. I love crypto!!!!!!
lol, yes, I also took a second look at $.43 and thought I must have been missing something!
Patience people! Haejin has consistently stated his medium and long term targets for Verge are $0.55 and $5.52. Please see here:
and here:
long-term - this is how much? year-2?
Ha, yes, title does say $.43 though!
haha - Me too - One day one day
I have 1.1 million verge and have been waiting for this run up for what seems like years- when it's really only been 8 months lol.
Looked like a winner but Haejin's technical analysis is like watching poetry.
He is a grandmaster analyst. will be amazing ride
1.1 million!!!! You just hit the jackpot!
fark it's just hit the 3 c mark on bittrex!!!
Youre killing it! And sooner than expected! SBD is looking good for the next couple days too, Im back in.
I'm just following the guidance of the grandmaster!
I was after some advice (opinion) on BTS. I can't work out the next best 'buy' level/price. I sold at .42 but it missed wave 'e'. I was assuming it would come down to 32c but worried I missed the boat.
Any ideas?
BTW When I looked at my portfolio and saw an extra 7K after verge's rise I just about had a heart attack haha.
Appreciate your support.
hold bts....its running strong, and its a long term investment anyway, focus on taking profits and working that verge
Yeah I had it on a sell order overnight (I'm in Australia) at .42 woke up, planning to buy back in at .32 as Haejin thought it might go back to. But it skipped wave 'e' and planning to buy back in at .32 as Haejin thought it might go back to. But it skipped wave 'e' and I'm not good enough to read whether it's going to retrace down to .32 again to buy in or just buy back in at .40
I will retrace at some point, but everything is overachieving right now....personally, I would get back in, even if you had to wait through the retracement....but you have to decide that
I bought 70,000 of XVG before I found this blog, then after finding Haejin's great info bought another and have almost 200,000. Very excited about XVG, Holding this one!
Where can you purchase some verge with dollar?
I believe you can with HitBTC.
Bittrex another option, large volume which is good
@haejin thank you sir, i am feeling really confident about Verge for massive gains in 2018....Blessings
my fav coin out there
where do you purchase verge with the dollar? Seem to only find xvg/btc
Buy bitcoin with dollar and verge with bitcoin. I think that is the only possible way !
My favourite coin @haejin.🤗
PS; there is a typo in your title! 0.43c*
where do you purchase verge with dollar?
The HUGE difference that one decimal place can make. I was getting ready to book that retirement home.
0.43 mentioned in the title instead of the 0.043 in the graph.
Something similar had happened with SAFEX too.
The title said 37 times profit, while the graph indicated 3.7 times.