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RE: Bitcoin a leading indicator for stocks?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hi jrcornel,

Your article made me think about how could Bitcoin lead the stockmarket.

Make sense because the same banksters that manipulated stocks for years are now manipulating the BTC so, of course make sense that this is happening.

It is no coincidence that this start to show starting 2 months ago since that is when the big Wall Street companies decided to jump on the opportunity in Crypto space....imo
Your opinion on my opinion?


I think there are no coinincidences on Wall Street. :)

Which means yes, I think they were the ones that drove prices up to $20k in December (shortly after futures and options markets were available) and then I think they have been helping drive prices currently right now.

The good news is that they are likely starting to get back in on the long side at current levels and will likely be some of the main drivers taking us back to $20k later this year.

We have to wait til later this year for BTC to reach $20k? Sooner be better. Maybe good time to buy BTC now with price around $8k?

Haha well even if it happens next year, it's not easy to double or triple your money on an investment. That being said I have no idea if it actually hits $20k this year, but many people smarter than me think it will. So, I will go along for the ride and see what happens.

Oh there's manipulation going on 100% behind closed doors with the big wigs on wall street. It sucks how early on big companies treated btc like the plague, now they secretly hold huge amounts of btc just waiting to exit with their profits while the rest of us, who actually believe in the concept of cryptos, get the short end of the staff... Oh well, I'm in btc for the long run anyways baby ;)

I disagree about the big bankster was avoiding BTC like a plague. They were purchasing BTC behind the scene and on the main media, they were putting down BTC to discourage those newbies wanting to enter BTC. Morgan Stanley, CEO was one of the liers who purchase BTC back in Novemeber 2017 when the price was going up like crazy, that night after this CEO put down BTC on the media, he bought a huge position in BTC making big profit that week.

Instead of thinking we are getting the short end of the staff, I recommend to you that we need to think like these banksters and follow what they do to make money with them since we can not fight them head on.....imo

I wish to know more about crypto currency but they are alot of scammers on that lane @hanamamna

Took the words out of my mouth. It seems like they are bragging about how they finally figured out how to effectively manipulate the price of Bitcoin...not really revealing secret statistics for the benefit of humankind.

Please explain what do mean by this statement:

"not really revealing secret statistics for the benefit of humankind."

The title and some of the wording in the article make is sound like JP Morgan is letting the world in on a little secret they discovered...that there is this corelation.
I was being sarcastic, but making a point that this is a marketing statement by JP Morgan...not a revelation of super special data that investors can use to their advantage.
The author seems to imply that this is breaking news, yet evidence suggests that these very same people are at the heart of - yet another - price manipulation scheme.
And because of the fact they:

  1. Start derivatives trading in crypto
  2. Super experienced at price manipulation...
    I am assuming they are revealing that they finally figured out how to manipulate the price to their advantage.

Okay, thanks for clarification. You got your facts correctly....

The title and some of the wording in the article make is sound like JP Morgan is letting the world in on a little secret they discovered...that there is this correlation that no one else has realized until now.
I was being sarcastic, but making a point that this is a marketing statement by JP Morgan...not a revelation of super special data that investors can use to their advantage.
The author seems to imply that this is breaking news, yet evidence suggests that these very same people are at the heart of - yet another - price manipulation scheme.
And because of the fact they:

  1. Start derivatives trading in crypto
  2. Super experienced at price manipulation...
    I am assuming they would not reveal this information until they finally figured out how to manipulate the price to their advantage. And then people will get used to their manipulations and not say another word about it.