RE: Laughter Is Key In Life - Goal is to Combine Laughter and Crypto
Dear Phil.
I am writing this on an older post to avoid spamming your topic.
I just wanted to let you know that about three weeks ago I sponsored you into Steembasicincome. I don’t know if you knew, I did message you, but I think you did not see it. I’m not writing for a thank you, because if one buys a share one gets a to sponsor somebody for free, and I consider you a friend, and basically it was better than transferring a minor amount to Luna’s piggy bank and loosing more than half on trannsfer fees.
You can find the Steembasicincome message back in your personal messages at the bottom of your wallet and in you upvotes (sbi2). It is basically a lifelong upvote. Steembasicincome upvotes everybody who is part of Steembasicincome (SBI). To make sure that SBI gives good upvotes the members are incurahes ( not obliged)to upvote Steembasicincome posts, so I hope you will. You can read about it here:
It’s like a reverse ponzi scheme as it benefits new members over old ones, but with growth it also benefits old members.
I just wanted to let you know.