It Has Been a Brutal Few Days on All Crypto Fronts.

Due to My HODL Strategy I am Not Stressed.
Last year I would have been trying to trade the bottom and probably would have been REKT. Thanks to my change of heart I no longer worry. Even though I am down in USD value my HODLings are fine in BTC terms.
Last night we had a Guld meet up and all I could think about was how this technology I am part of is going to change the world.
Here You Can See Ira Miller #BeardofFire Explaining the Guld OS.

The Different Types of People in Crypto.
1. People Who Want to Make the World a Better Place with a New Technology.
2. Those Who Want to Destabilize the Banking Cartels.
3. People HODLing Hoping for a Better Life.
4. Traders
5. People Trying to Get Rich Quick.
What Type Are You?
Personally I am a mix of 1-3. The technology we are involved in is amazing. I really despise the banking cartels and their masters. I would also like to provide a great life for my family for decades to come.
I'm hodler and i'm a buyer on dip :). Regards
@magoo-1 on duty now.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check @magoo-1 report
We need to give that shirt out to those hands that are being weak right now
Why relax for a week when there are fortunes to be made when the blood is running in the streets? LOL
Feel free to trade. That is not my game anymore.
Maybe that was a problem. Perhaps you took the "game" too seriously and became emotionally involved. If you are susceptible to fear and/or greed then I agree, it's best to remove yourself from the arena.
I am not sure if it has anything to do with emotion as much as volatility and instability. Trading has never really been my "game" because things change too fast, and I haven't been particularly emotionally invested.
@onceuponatime That's one of my favourite quotes, and it applies so well to crypto. My only regret is that I took too long to take profits before the dip. Had I acted more quickly, I definitely would have been buying plenty of bargains at this point in time!
My Dear Friend hilarski , Thanks For Share Your Article.
nice post you say good post.
So hard to turn it off, but very wise advice. Im gonna mute the FUD for a week! Lol
yes friend right not to panic n sell we have to hold crypto coin.nice advice bro thanks for share.
Thanks for the advice, I admit that lately I have been stressed by that but now I understand that it is not worth worrying, You have to have good energies!
I am 50% of type 2 and 25-25 of type 1 and type 3 ;)
I am learning and in the months that I have been in steemit and with the altcoins, I feel like I am on a roller coaster, but I am a believer and my personality is 1-3. I believe in doing Holding.
Same here, since I have decided to hold and not bother about the market life has been at peace.