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RE: Is Bitcoin really decentralized, or are we being led like lambs to the slaughter?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

@pawsdog Really impressive post.
I hope this isn't the case.

Being just old enough to remember the USSR and having passing interest's in various topic's, I think/hope tying some of the major one's together with global issue's and data from history, BTC as a "store of wealth" is the most logical.

The electricity issue's could be covered by default by Australian Government Research in a longer term perspective with plan's for thing's like-
Smart Cities
With Smart Factories
Wind Farm and Mass Power Storage
Solar Farm, Local Power Storage, Carbon Tracking and P2P Trading Currency

If the West was to pull back from oil war's to manufacturing again it will change the world a lot and the East will feel the economic loss.

Putin has been talking about a Bipolar World Power for year's to stop the chance of global dominance by force and China is going threw a high rise in labor cost.

We now have two Petro Dollar's backed by Gold, USD and Chinese Yuan, West and East.
We may have two Digital Union Dollar Network's backed by BTC, like Ethereum and NEO, West and East.
With the technology coming out soon we are going to need something like this to continue a business based gold/fiat war.


Very interesting. I remember the USSR as well, and Reagans first election :). It is having that benefit of time that allows one to see a bigger picture in most instances. At a point we learn that all is cyclic, that patterns repeat, that the greed and fear cycle of nations and humanity never really changes. It's always the same shit in a different form, always a new war, new crisis, new social issue etc. This is something I try and explain to my current wife whom is considerably younger than me, she was in elementary rocking out to Barny the purple dinosaur while at a time that I was getting kicked in the teeth by Marine Drill Instructors at Paris Island. Whats new is not so new, its just old shit in a new form. That experience is the best measure of future performance. She gets so pissed when I tell her something will not work, yet she does it anyway and it doe snot work. I tried to tell her that when I was 27 I did not know shit about life, and that when she gets where I am she will look back and say the same thing, and that when I was 27 I would of likewise been pissed if someone older called me an idiot.. lol.. not due to lack of IQ, but due to lack of experience.. I will look more into these global currency wars...

I'm a single father for that reason, lol.

A major influence IMO is generation direction steering, media and advertising lost Gen Y but regained them recalling them Millennial's
Factoring in with Trump at the helm of the West and the trade sanction's placed on so many in the past decade.

With a currency system like this over the next 20 year's or so we can give job's to the robot factorie's while most people can earn a living showing how cool their life getting $20 to post a pic of your dinner on SteemBook.

This is just a small part as well of one direction I can see society's evolving, but the main word in my post was HOPE, because as your saying Hindsight isn't looking good for it.
Just a quick post, I need to go to work so have a good day :)

Yes it does seem somewhat as though it is headed in an odd direction.