Don't forget to multiply 7025.477 SBD by the current market rate in USD, which is ~9.19 at the moment. So that's a pending payout of $64564.13 USD.
Which means the average per post is $1574.73. So you can see why we're worried about him posting 20 times a day.
Fix the broken platform.
What happens when a fashion blogger joins and is posting 20x a day with 100,000 followers?
Number of posts is not the problem; number of followers is not the problem. It's all beside the point. We're doing price discovery. That's all.
maybe they dont get the point. i know what you mean. we all discover price for a post together. but some here think only upvoting is allowed.
edit: now i read the headline of this @haejin. he wants that his followers delegate all his power to him. got damn he is so wrong. they all dont get it with centralized power. do they listen to him? i cant check all. very intresting here all right now. cant upvote you here anymore...