EVERYTHING IS CRASHING AGAIN. All coin values are going down the drain. Or are they?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

LOL...if u have been in crypto for more than 3 years, you learn to laugh as you watch this...

Those that have followed @intelliguy for a long time have seen this same post, and this same image before.

This is what I posted on September 24, 2017:

Ok, so, most of us have watched Bitcoin hover around $4,000, it had a high of $4800 on Sep 1/2017...

We all saw it, and then:


What happened? Bitcoin is only worth $3700 from a high of $4800

Now... THINK for a moment. We were wondering "just 3 months ago" whether or not Bitcoin was going to surpass $5000

...and we saw it hit $16000 reaching for $18000 in only 3 short months.

People wonder about the price of Bitcoin TODAY vs 3 days ago.

No one pays attention to what Bitcoin was worth 3 months ago.

....and want to know what? I do... and I post about it every single time.

  • Sep 2016 Bitcoin: $596 USD
  • Sep 2017 Bitcoin: $3700 USD
  • Dec 2017 Bitcoin: $13,000 USD

Looking at that... are you worried? Is Bitcoin a good buy?

The numbers speak for themselves.

How to witness this:


  1. Go here: https://www.coindesk.com/price/

  2. Look at ugly chart of Bitcoin dropping.

  3. Click the 3m grey button

  4. Hover your mouse around. See how Sep 2017 it was $4184 USD/bitcoin.
    See again how Dec 7, 2017 it was $16,858 ?

What does that tell you?

Bitcoin is PUMPED and then its DUMPED, especially every 3 months


There is a lot of money to be made in the deliberate volatility of Bitcoin by wealthy traders who can collude and make and break the markets at will.

So what does that mean for an investor of Bitcoin?


Don't buy panic. Don't sell panic.

It's panic time. What do you do?


Eventually there will probably be a big crash but I don't think it's coming anytime soon and I don't think it'll be permanent.

Personally, I'm ok either way, I started out with zero and now I have $1000 worth of steem and a chance to diversify a little bit movi forward, just in case something goes up a hundredfold. It would have been nice to diversify much earlier but I can't complain either!

I doubt that it will be a "crash." As you add, it will not be permanent, therefore if and when it happens, it will most likely only be a "major correction." Bitcoin has had them before, and it will have them again. That's to be expected.

If there was ever an investment (besides precious metals) that was a buy-and-hold deal, cryptocurrencies and bitcoin in particular are it.

As for its being called a bubble, I recently read where an astute observer stated ...
"Bitcoin is not a bubble. It's the pin." :-)

That is a brilliant quote! I hope it comes to pass!

(replying to myself)

  • Ok, @intelliguy.. are what you saying, is that 3 short months ago, Bitcoin was under $5,000?


How soon we forget. If you look at bitcoin price every single day (like most of us do), we see the climb in price, but we don't look at long term charts. On the internet 3 months is a very very longtime

Let's put things into real perspective. Huge holders of USD will play this game with all of you.. and all of you (ok, most of you) buy into it.

Bitcoin can be inflated and deflated in price because of your 3 month temporary insanity of price.

...please upvote this comment where I reply to myself, so it helps keep it above. it's free extra info for the post. :)

Yep! Everything related to finance/stocks have their up and down cycles. Pull backs and corrections are healthy for longer term growth and stability. Always good to hear calm, rational voices in irrational times. :-)

@intelliguy thanks for the advice! :) It's definitely going up and yeah it does take some practice to get used to those ups and downs.. :)

Like also being patient when prices are going up, waiting for dips sometimes takes a long time! :) (well, relative).

Good shoutout! :) Happy to have discovered your profile btw! :)

Thank you!

btw, recently did the post about top cryptoexperts to follow and you are one of the featured people there ;) - 40 Best Blockchain Influencers & Cryptocurrency Experts To Follow in 2018 (On SteemIt Too) - http://bit.ly/2AdNCn0

//note:upvoted comment ;)

Haha !😂😂😂

meep back !! Long time no see @ionlysaymeep !!LOL! 👀👀👀👀

Haha great post @intelliguy ! Well explained and so true !! Simply : "Buy low / Hold / Sell High !" I love it !! And I really like you little don't be worried graph . LOL , I wish I could afford to buy some myself ! Right now im hoping for steem to go up , as I try making more steem for selling my steem dollars as I slowly get them from post payouts ! LOL! Upped and resteemed !👌👍✌💲💲💲💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

Thanks very much Karen. Upvoted you too :)

Awesomeness ! Thanks for the upvote , and following both accounts ! 👌✌👍😀

I know the time I start buying up this monster .....it's gonna crash like hell.....so. @intelliguy ...don't force me to buy one of these else world is gonna curse you the next moment... 😊😊😊😊

I know your joking. But listen. If you bought in at $4,000/BTC and sold at $15,000/BTC considering it was only 3 months ago of holding... there is no need to curse me.

I warned all of you this 3 months ago, and very few paid attention to my post.

Here's a new secret. By this time, spring 2018, you may see Bitcoin go to $25,000. It's going to ramp up again, just like it always has.... at least this time you will see it coming.

Haha your comment made me LOL @aaqib11b 😂😂

just a swing

price for them always goes up and down

What do I do?

I sell all my SBD when it is just about to get pumped is what I do!


Having totally screwed that up, I think I'll just sit this one out and let it go where it will. Bitcoin will go down a bit and then up some more...

just a swing

This topic will forever come up when you talk to people who can’t comprehend bitcoin . I’ve been buying and selling bitcoin since 2010 there’s a lot of money to be made for most of us if we stay confident in what got us here in the first place . When they start trying to manipulate the price with futures trading that will be the first of many tests coming to the bitcoin community . As long as bitcoin is back by our confidence it cannot be stopped ! Thanks for your valuable content!

Don't buy panic. Don't sell panic.
It's panic time. What do you do?

Hold, is the only possible answer, I guess?

How about other cryptos? I'm new to cryptocurrencies, and I'm not on steemit because of a crypto-enthusiast background, and I must say bitcoin's exorbitant fees leave me scratching my head. It seems to me bitcoin's value is simply the recognizability/familiarity factor, and that it was here first.

What do you think? Is it possible investing in some other currency is more sensible right now?

I'm gonna buy and hold,