Crypto prices APPEAR to be low. They really aren't. Bitcoin looks low --- how easily we forget.
Look at what I wrote September 2017. Guess what I might be saying this September 2018
First, let's cut to the chase -- and get straight to the point:
- Sep 2016 Bitcoin: $596 USD
- Sep 2017 Bitcoin: $3700 USD
- Sep 2018 Bitcoin: ?
If we hold above $3700 USD this September 2018, we'll be above the prices of the last 2 years of Bitcoin at the same time of year again.
This was my post last year in 2017 --- when Bitcoin was $3700 then, and you didn't panic sell then either... your Bitcoin today would be worth more than $5700 in just a year. (We're at $6300 as I write this)
I also just finished writing this post a week ago:
Fall and Winter are coming soon -- I fully expect Crypto prices to go back up again -- WITH PROOF!
The problem we have, is that the media seems to LOVE IT when Bitcoin drops.
- The mainstream media puts out more articles on Bitcoin when it is in a downward trend then when it is doing well. They seem to love scaring everyone as much as they can with as many negative articles as possible. (My own opinion).
Bitcoin is coming up on its 10th year anniversary in 2019
- Do you really think Bitcoin price is going to stay down for long?
- We seem to have more people interested in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies than ever before!
Listen... if you invest in something, typically most people only sell at the high points. You wait out the lows.
The price of Bitcoin only matters if you are selling yours. If you're not selling... and holding long term, then today's price should mean very little to you.
So who is selling Bitcoin right now?
....I think it's these people primarily:
- Panicked investors
- Hackers
- Purposeful witty investors are selling off some to show some more price drops, so they can buy your cheap coins.
Watch out for those witty investors. They're purposely dropping the price, but scooping up more on the way down.
This is what I think anyway. I'm not a trading expert. However, I am just putting my own amateur opinion out there incase you have no idea what is going on or why.
When prices drop this low, and you have time on your side.... it might be a good idea to stop panicking, and really look at what opportunities are being revealed to you on the market charts.
Good luck everyone, and we'll talk more about this topic during September 2018.
It's all true ... $6500 is about where I'd hoped it would stay since Feb '18 ...
This reminds me of a video I stumble upon because of YT's autoplay the other day. It's Teeka Tiwari explaining to Gleen Beck some conspiracy theory about Bitcoin. I ended up keeping it on and listening in full while working. Whatever one could think about those two celebrities, I found it to be quite interesting.
Starting at around 37:45 (41:15 for the meat of the matter) they mention some examples of how people like Jamie Dimon or George Soros are trying to manipulate popular opinion in order to depreciate BTC and then buy, and they discuss those who are setting funds in order to invest such as Steven Cohen, Marc Lasry, Andreessen Horowitz, etc.
Glenn Beck Discusses The Great Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Conspiracy
I agree - I'm sure it is just a matter of time before things start going up again. At least each low (knocking on wood lol) has been higher than the previous lows.
I also agree that the media loves to scare people - that is why I don't pay too close attention to it :D
The media currently is controlling the value right now. The SEC delayed this, the SEC that. They are the ones trying to control bitcoin.
To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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I'm still powering the heck up.. come hell or high water, just like you suggested in a post last year, SP = Good
But why's steem so low? Any intelligence on that situation, Sir?