
I don't make shit up.
Not my fault you are unaware of what he has been doing.
My statement is accurate.
I would reconsider your flag, I don't make for a very great enemy on this platform.
(btw...I don't have an issue with the actual content of this post, just the users actions with community members elsewhere)

you say this but there is no proof would be easy to screenshot claims

I would reconsider your flag, I don't make for a very great enemy on this platform.

i really couldn't give a shit see my posts, steem is controlled by scammers

Aren't you a lovely addition to the community.

its all a setup

at least 9 mill steem sold by steemitinc this year and more to come with powerdowns all the while the votes will be worth less and less

but the community is the important thing any value given is for the top holders who exploited system in early days

I don't know man
I bust my ass on this platform, make a living from it and have nothing but love for our community.
Try not being so pessimistic maybe....
but you do you.
I hope you have a great day.


not a pessimist, a realist

bitconnect paid thousands of people did that make it not a scam

lol then go back to bitconnect or go make a bitconnect SMT and leave steemit and the whole steem blockchain since its controlled by "scammers" and "oligarchs"

LOL you think selling steem on the market is STEALING?

When Ned sells his stake for cheap at these low levels hes doing everyone a huge favor distributing steem out

you are just .... full of shit
But please lol keep posting keep making yourself look dumb

lol then go back to bitconnect or go make a bitconnect SMT and leave steemit and the whole steem blockchain since its controlled by "scammers" and "oligarchs"

steemit was a big part in helping bitconnect become widespread example being the selective referral flagging by cleaners last year

bitconnect cleaned out steem see trevon and craig grant both took nearly million steem each from those accounts add together all the referral minions voting and alt accounts

When Ned sells his stake for cheap at these low levels hes doing everyone a huge favor distributing steem out

you obviously have very little understanding on economics or where ned or the rest got "their" stake from

had they powered down and sold when prices where rising would have been much better overall as wouldn't have effected price much as they would be going in the opposite direction

lol jonny this guy just flagged me too out of nowhere i just noticed, for spreading "FOMO" by making a post which simply asks about what I saw as a 15 million dollar sale of steem on BitThumb and he just goes all crazy , now i see why, he thinks steem has "oligarchs" and that they have a plan to "dump" on everyone lol enough said , i was gonna explain how anyone on steem is lucky to get a dime if it want for whales but nevermind not in the mood tonight lol ima just chill and yeah dont fuck with jonny @isacoin ur gonna regret it man, he has fun flagging people and right now your just asking for it :D I hope isacoin has another secret alt account because only 150 SP and 500 delegated Sp is not much to fight with against jonny :D XD lol

He's entitled to his opinion, even if it is retarded.
Just sad to see this kind of toxicity in a community I love and respect.