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RE: [Guide] How to buy VPN (or anything else) directly with SBD!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

@someguy123 amd @kingscrown, SBD fell by 10 points today so steam went from $1.4 to $1.2 which means your investment is worth 15% less than it was yestarday, i know you can say yes its free money as all it costs is time to write posts and earch money but this:

worries me i know that you @kingscrown have made ~$600 off just this post and all it cost was time but that it would have been worth just short of $700 yestarday so would you not be better of spending USD or GBP which is currently less volitile?


They can be making some really nice investments on that ca$h, while all along making $ on a clock.

I understand that however my point was if you buy the vpn now, you will pay 15% more than you would of yestarday so if it was 10 Steem yestarday (14$ ish)
you will pay 11.5 Steem i know its not massive but it uses more of your currency that can fluctuate up alot as well as go down

but i understand @moneymathematics