RE: Bitcoin biggest bubble in history
Hi Vijay, thanks for your post. Look who knows only time will really tell, all I know is that as I temper this I am a bit glum :(, not because the value of BTC has gone down but because, earlier this week I used up my allocated allowance of FIAT. Now yes I could move some more cash over to an onramp and get me a bargain.......but that would be breaking one of "my investing rules" and I firmly believe that everyone who is investing, particularly in a space was volatile as crypto, should have a plan mapped out that incorporates their own set of rules. However, if the price drops even further and the magic date of the month has ticked by......then off shopping I go. I do see that there is a possibility that BTC could indeed go to zero, though not necessarily because it is a bubble that is going to pop. It is conceivable that it will be superseded by a protocol that does the job that was designed for ......but better, however I doubt this as BTC is a grandfather and we all love our poppas! Anyway thanks again for the piece, Cheers J