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RE: If you were not aware in 4 days you can have 14%+ more of BTC for free.
All BTC wallets will also be getting sharedropped BTCX, which is Bitcoin migrated to the Graphene blockchain technology (3s transactions, 10,000 transactions per second, no more mining bs)
As @cob mentioned, it's called BTC-U
That's incredible. Im stashing all my Bitcoin in cold storage and looking forward to my free Bitcoin August 1st. Lets just hope this doesn't collapse the price of Bitcoin. I dont think it should. If I have my Bitcoin stored on my ledger wallet what is the procedure to get the 14% extra? is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!
HODL Bitcoin!!!... and f**k BCC... ;)
You are clueless. Hold BCC and FK BTC you mean. BTC has been hijacked by blockstream. Figure it out.
BCC is an attempt to gain dev control. BTC off chain scaling is not a bad thing.
The people pushing Bcash has no ulterior motives, right?
How is your BCC going mate..? 🤣still at $200? our BTC is still up 40% this year ;)
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That makes sense.
well i really think holding btc to get just 20% doesnt worth it, its better to just hold the alt bcos i see them pumping hard after august 1st
Isn't it called BTC-U?
There might be several it seems
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