The Mainstream Media Never Talks About "The Unbanked" When They Discuss Crypto

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Photo: Pixabay

The mainstream media has done something very disingenuous in their coverage of cryptocurrency, especially by constantly focusing on the people who got rich by buying in at the right time, instead of showing the actual utility of the technology.

The media has paraded around these silicon valley bros with lambos and mansions, making everyone think that it is some western thing where 15 year olds and tech experts are getting rich on magic internet money. Sure, it is true that there is a little bit of that, but this technology is made for the unbanked people in the developing world who need to worry about their family's wealth being stolen by dictators, and who don't have access to traditional credit or banking.

On a regular basis I talk to people from places like Ghana, Nigeria and other areas throughout Africa and the Middle East. They use crypto on a daily basis for most of their services, it is a normal part of life for them, it's not a novelty. These are the people who will lead the crypto revolution in terms of full use and adoption, not the bros in silicon valley, even though they have their own part to play also.

Cryptocurrency will become more and more relevant as the fiat currencies issued by governments continue to collapse, and as we have seen in places like Venezuela, governments will attept to co-opt the technology and impliment their own blockchain currencies, which will likely not have the privacy features that crypto enthusiasts have come to expect. Regardless, governments will not be able to shut down crypto, and will be forced to compete on the market for a change.

The media talks about the criminals that use cryptocurrency, and they talk about the millionares in the space, but rarely do they speak of the average consumer who is actually using this technology to improve their own lives. It is likely that the western world will see more regulation of crypto and slower widespread adoption, but that won't stop the technology from taking hold in the places where it can be most useful.


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 

Or donate via:

Bitcoin:  35ZJyqPZqJi7tTCKtMddtnKaGDBnhLEaez
Ethereum: 0xbda87e26ed90e260ed6c101f57a409ce3c90c116
DASH:  XyE2YME982TXHcQo6HZYyWr37R1pnBC3iT 


very well said. remember even this mainstream media was once the only CENTRALIZED option and now they are far away from their power with social medias DECENTRALIZING the power of media and giving more to people :)

great to hear that crypto is actually used in non-western countries opposed to the western speculations. There is a disturbing lack of coverage on that. If anyone knows good articles or statistics that would be amazing. I guess they will not use bitcoin due to transaction fees?

One of the most important elements of steemit for me has been having the opportunity to talk with people all around the world and learn about their daily life.

I have got to know a good number of people in Nigeria, Ghana, Indonesia, Venezuela etc. It is become ever more clear the importance of steem and crypto in those countries. Day to day adoption and usage is moving ahead there at a massively faster past than in the west.

It seems that the USA has become king George in colonizing such places as the middle east. The third world is about as retro as the Amish are here, but they don't have beliefs preventing them from the use of technology. It's as if this was made as an antidote for the rest of the world to our diseased empire. Their declaration of independence is coming in this next decade. Will the citizens of the USA see any benefit? Did the citizens of England see any benefit from the defeat of king George? We have to make sure for ourselves.

The media does not give a shit about poor people in our country, they ignore the daily slaughter in our inner cities to focus on rare acts those who acquired their guns legally. Of course they don't care about those abroad, unless it serves some agenda of promoting war. Be afraid when the do start focusing on the plight of some foreign poor people.

Hi @johnvibes

Thanks for shedding light on the subject. I often, like most, tend to get lost in the media mayhem of propaganda! Crypo will surely make a dent in them!

I see that you have struggled with cancer and I am grateful to hear you have recovered!

Did you follow any of the advice given by The Health Ranger?

I have heard some insane stories doing the rounds and wish people suffering from this sickness were privy to this information to enable them to make more informed decisions.
