Monday Morning, 9 A.M.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Morning ;)
I'm not saying we can't dip again with Bitcoin, but look at the Mac, it's flattening out nicely... it's a new year, and people want action ! So we're hopefully done and will ascend between the long green line from the November Low, and the upper green line which is the lower limit of the earlier trading channel we dropped out off and need to get back into...

My Stellar Lumens rose nicely overnight, so I sold (I avoid risks if I can and am looking around what's safest and very likely...) Monero seems both underrated and waiting to break out these next days while LTC and ETH already broke, so I'm having a close look at XMR now, waiting for it to dip a bit further before I decide.

I checked BTS, STEEM and Ripple, but they're not as secure-looking as this at the moment, I want a day or two of peace after the holidays. Dash is quite similar to Monero, tried to break out yesterday but got refused at a resistance line - not enough volume. So I'll be waiting for these two to start shining this week... nothing fancy for me now, no shifting between exchanges.
The charts on the two images are both daily charts, going with that philosophy.



@jojof, I don't understand your definition of your upper green line in the BTC chart. If you would be so kind as to enlighten me?

I'm experimenting to see if I can paste an image of my chart into this reply. I'm a steemit noob. Hey, whadoyaknow, it worked!

I don't see anything to be optimistic about on the BTC chart, so I'm just hodling for the rest of this week to see what shapes up. I don't feel competent to make a call on the collision of the red overhead downtrend line and the SMA50 orange line on Friday. Murphy says the downtrend wins.


That upper green line is the trading channel we had temporarily established after the big dip, and were hoping would be the desired consolidation/upward trend - or rather the lower border of tnat channel. I didn't get into bitcoin yesterday, nor does it look as if I soon will... (nopes, let it consolidate some more) - if so, only for day trading, like here : I bought some XMR and watched it go up but it didn't quite accelerate and I got out again with a tiny profit... but that was very late in the day. In the morning yesterday, I changed some money into ETH and sent it to for the day as haejin lee is convinced of its value and indeed it went up from .68 to .79 while I was there and I waited till it had reached .795 and sent it all to for forwarding to my kraken account in Ether. This takes about ten minutes and I had tabs open with everything... to my astonishment, Ethereum was climbing parabolically while my funds were on the way so I ended up with about 5% more profit than expected, for sheer luck. All in all, a nice day full of easy trades and when I woke up half an hour ago I fund that most coins had dropped or were going sideways and that I should have stayed in bitshares - but I rarely do that overnight, I find stops counterintuitive and they don't always work. So I fared the best with Stellar Lumens, Bitshares and ETH these last days and they still seem to be a good bet for the next... looking into that at noon, after shopping. It's still holidays but I have to attend to my duties now ;)

Happy to hear you had a good day of trading. Do preach, sounds interesting.

I only trade on GDAX so I only look at BTC, ETH, and LTC, though I was fascinated by the Iota whitepaper and may put in a small position on spec if I can find an exchange that seems to have their customer service act together.

I'm a slow, methodical, and possibly stupid trader, just building my positions at present. It is just a hobby. I'm a manufacturing engineer and PCB DFM SME.

I was pleasantly surprised to see ETH takeoff, had a small buy stop at 777 against that possibility because ETH held up better than BTC and LTC after the pre-Xmas massacree. Just placed another small buy stop at 902 in case ETH decides to truly moon.

I trade using stops because I've ridden too many losers to zero over the years. They are actually stop limit orders and that works for me, lets me sleep at night so I don't need to be awake when the market opens in the morning. Oh wait, this market never closes!

Be well,

So GDAX only does the big three ? I couldn't enter either GDAX or Poloniex because their identity checking process got stuck - and when I entered a ticket, the response (please try again) came almost exactly one month later. That did it for me - not interested.

You might want to try Kraken. they have about 15 or so coins, which isn't much - but they're rather reliable, and they have a good interface. Even support is working so far... I'll also try binance for a second exchange later this week I guess...
Kraken doesn't do iota either, neither bitshares or steem, that's what (I miscomputed that .org) does, and they also got good support.They send your crypto onwards and exchange it into a different one on the way, at a better rate than usual (less cost).
You want to buy bitshares, you first go to, tell them what you'll send and what you want to receive at what address, they then give you an receive address of their own, which you enter into your wallet or at your exchange...
Be careful not to copy and paste the wrong stuff here. You need an account at bitshares first of course, or you buy steem and use the one you have here - steem is exploding, so I'm sure to stay away from it. I dont need explosions ;)

So you tell blocktrades your account name, that would be jojof for me, and send them the money... I use ETH for these operations, I buy that at Kraken, do a withdrawal to the blocktrades with their eth number, and it will usually take about ten minutes and cost next to nothing.

Once you think it's time to sell, you have to do the same thing backwards, and then there's the added complication of the memo that these external exchanges (steemit is that as well, in a way) use, to deal with blocktrades or openledger and another few similar services. You haven't forgotten to get an ETH receive address at your exchange, have you ? If you did, get one now...
I'm a bit of a chaotic person, and first time I didn't notice that my keyboard had cheated on me and I had entered some password I had copied half an hour before... instead of the memo... so blocktrades refunded me within the hour.

Just saying, this is actually working and you might want to try it out just to amplify your means. Also, follow haejin here, he's the steem and bitshares guru and whenever he tells his followers that BTS or steem are going to explode soon, you can bet it's just a matter of days or hours till that happens - because they'll all go and buy.

Still, I like to stay at Kraken most of the time and use what's available there, more comfortable. It's probably wise to have a small investment in bitshares all the time, it looks rather stable and might be one of he more interesting future systems... you should definitely look at the platform, they even deal in gold derivatives there. Fascinating thing.
Cheers ;))

Wow! great info dump, thanks.

I'll need to do quite a bit of re-reading to digest it all. Wish I could up vote you at each re-read because I can see much that will eventually be of value to me.

You're a whirlwind tour guide in cryptos. Brava!

Does steemit have any kind of private messaging function? I've sort of looked but didn't see anything obvious.


Hay mucho que no tienen aqui ;) I'm used to being able to post private, to special circles, to a community or in public - but this is not Google Plus. The worst part is that you can't even block anyone, so molesters stay molesters.
Not that I personally had a problem, but others obviously do.

An hour ago or so I saw to my surprise that Bitcoin had started shooting, so I used the lucky break and rode up by one thousand, am now standing by... maybe the wait is finally over - lots of signals and this is pretty much proof...

Creo que vives muy lejas del este de mi, Espana? Hace muchos anos vivido en Torrejon de Ardoz, cerca de Madrid.

I'm on the left coast of US in a little burg called Oxnard.

I'm not a believer in the BTC move until it tops 16500 and think there's still too high a probability my 13012 limit will fill. But today's move is much better than what was happening.

Ciao, bella, time to crank up the job search.


Mas o menos al otro lado si estas en la costa oeste o izquierda ;)
The LEFT coast ? Yeah I guess one could call it that... don't tell me it's Seattle, about 80% of the people I ever knew in the US were from Seattle.
I'm German, roughly Hannoverian like the British Royals, he-he. Been living in Tarifa (that's down south, close to Algeciras) for several years and later in Portugal, bought a little house with terrain there.

As I said, the btc totally surprised me. I also tend to keep watching it for while. I just had been looking for some good trade but I'm really not into it today... just couldn't refuse this one.
DIdn't earn me much though, and it was hard to get out again, had to enter the sell order about twenty times - server overload. Ugh.

Too frustrating when so many people are in a frenzy. I'll actually quit for today, got some splines to connect, quiet needed, nada del frenesí.
Entonces, muy buenas noches - y los sueños, sueños son ;)