CHAPTER III: FORCE of my THE FORCE IN BITCOIN book “Bitcoin is entropy reductor. In order to covey the meaning and significance of this we will quickly explain now what force and what entropy is . By knowing that, everything clicks seamlessly and elegantly together, and becomes obvious what it has to do with our main theme. [..] The general definition of force across the different fields of physics is: „any interaction that will change the motion of an
object, i.e. to accelerate it.“ and Entropy is merely „all the possible states of a system“. [..] Thus, naturally we landed right on top of the notion of mutual information as the essence of any Forcing. To inform is a verb. Information is the name of the process of being formed by. Things being nothing but the sum of their possible states in-form each other. [..] Encryption is a physical force. [..] Bremermann demonstrated to us that encryption is the biggest Force. Power 40-ish between 128 and 256 bits key, power 80-ish between 256 and 512! — „without increasing the time for encryption by more than a constant factor“. This is not „just a theory“ — Bremermann`s limit has very physical meaning because it treats the maxima of computational power of material systems”. Refs.: