Hey asshole you mind not making a bunch of accounts and trying to drain my STEEM.GLOBAL faucet? That STEEM is for everyone not just you to try and make a bunch of accounts and drain. I've IP banned you and started deleting your accounts.
Learn some marketable skills and stop being a fucking bottom feeder.
Flagged for being a shady opportunistic thief and trying to drain my faucet.
Hi there,
I am really sorry for creating multiple accounts. I thought the steem faucets was for free. I have got around 5$ of steem using these accounts. I will transfer all the steem to your account in 7 days. Since the steem power down will take place in the next 7 days. I really had no intention to drain your faucet. I was just getting some more steem as 0.143 steem per day wasn't enough for me. I apologize for this inconvenience caused to you.
Your appology is accepted. It takes balls to say sorry when you have been caught doing something wrong. I respect you for that.
I amdit I was extremely angry with you when I saw you had made so many accounts with the sole purpose of taking STEEM for everyone and putting it in your own pocket. My appologies for the faucet being only 0.143 STEEM a day at the time. I'm not a rich man by any means and it is what I could afford to give away.
Greatly apreciated if you send that STEEM back but if you really need it to get food or something you can keep it. I would much rather be out $5 worth of STEEM than have you starving after you admitted your wrong and apologized for it.
Hope you have a good day. Thank you again for admitting you had done poorly and trying to rectify it. That redeems you a bunch in my eyes.
You should pull your flag?
Yeah.. Good call.
Thanks for accepting my apology @klye . I am really ashamed for whatever i have done. I have initiated the power down and will be transferring the steem in the next 6 days.Currently i am regretting my past decision for whatever i have done . I cannot change my past. However i can always correct myself for the future. I will not do have such things in the future. I shouldn't have done such things. I apologize once again for whatever happened.