Poloniex's 2FA is now broken, I can log in to other sites with Google Authenticator -- but not Poloniex!
UPDATE 2018-02-17 Sat: GOOD NEWS: I got back in. I had changed my phone's clock recently to "network time" as sometimes texts would arrive "before" the one I had sent that they were in reply to. Turns out that broke Google Authenticator. If you happen to do this, here's the fix: tap the "..." (menu) icon, go to Settings, which has two choices: "About" which opens a tab in your browser to describe the feature, and "Time correction for codes" which will reset the internal clock of the Authenticator app, which worked perfectly.
Odd, though, that WEX worked every time. And still does!
EDIT/UPDATE 2018-02-16 Fri: apparently Binance is affected as well. I was able to log in to WEX just now, so it's not "all Google Authenticator sites are closed to me", only 2/3 of my exchanges... :(
Whole story is in the title. I've opened a ticket, for them to ignore like all the others.
Be careful out there!
May your trading be profitable -- financially, spiritually, and emotionally.

Should have withdrawn my coins out of exchanges .
Agreed. I noticed this while migrating tabs from Firefox (it's way too slow on this $4k laptop! -- so, it loses out to the spying Chrome) -- the Poloniex tab auto-logs itself out whenever I switch the VPN, so I had to log into that one not only after copying, but also in the Firefox tab once I realized I couldn't get in; neither worked.
I did WEX first, and that logged in, so I didn't think I'd have issues. When I had the first with Poloniex, I reported it. I was more careful while doing Binance -- it is okay with the IP address of my laptop changing, so it was still logged in. Couldn't log in via Chrome, but it's still logged in on Firefox.
So I can get my coins out (of Binance, that is), which I'm about to do. And, learn about decentralized exchanges!
Owh man, had been researching about them and thought i'll make a steem post about decentralised exchanges once i figure it out. Feels like i better let the experts handle this,I'll do my due diligence and post any info on my experience of decen exchanges. Phew! Things move sooo fast in this space,crypto is no-chill!!
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Hahahaha. Really, how can I do this sir.
Hahaha, really educative, hilarious and also sounds religious.
Thanks for sharing @libertyteeth.
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I think @gentlebot has been brainwashed by the span bots.
Thanks for the warning sir. I will publish to benefit everyone
i think no time to convert on decentrelized exchanges and take your all from these centrelized exchanges if we want to save our money and cryptos @libertyteeth
because now we cannot trust on centrelized exchanges security
Thanks for the information @libertyteeth ...will share it too
Yes i have the same issue i'm gonna read their twitter to see any update or some news about this problem. Regards
Try to erase your cache now i can log in some times you just need clean cookies and cache :)
Tried it, Binance and Poloniex still failing. Logged out and back in to WEX, worked with no issues.
Also, note that Binance changed their 2FA handler recently, "making it easier for you" by removing the need to hit Enter -- which means, if you typed the last character wrong, you get to wait a whole extra minute rather than being able to hit backspace and hit the right one, then Enter.
I find this a step backwards. Also, sometimes my 2FA doesn't work right when it's "near" a minute boundary; so, I have been "timing" my hitting Enter while watching the 2FA count down on my phone. With Binance, now I have to wait to hit the last digit. Annoying. Like the new stupid chip cards, which require you to leave it in the machine longer than the stripe, and also, the noise it makes on "success" sounds like an error!!! Awesome step forward, banking overlords!
I understand @libertyteeth but i think in your case is a particular issue that you have, i mean is not a general problem and this cases you have to find a particular solution but thinking about the support of poloniex you'll have to wait a looong time so they have and awful service, friend try to use decentralized exchanges when you solve this problem, they work great. Regards
Well, I created a BitShares account a few months ago but didn't see many options for purchases there. What do you use for decentralized exchange? Thanks!
Yes it's totally true, the problem with decentralized exchanges is the low volume and the low quatity of coins, i use waves mostly and i really like it but people don't use it and i don't know why. Regards
Thanks! I'll keep an eye on it. Decentralized is the way to go -- once everybody goes there! :D
Well, you are both very proficient in this field ...
I find many difficulties here. I will learn more about this.
If you delete cookies, it's usually safer with ccleaner
I fucking loathe those goddamn chip cards! Thankfully my bitpay card is still swipe only.
Crypto exchange issues are such a nuisance its important to keep the community informed. Thanks!
ohhh thats bad whats this mean , will polo be a scamy or hack like two others like italy and japnse exchanges @libertyteeth?
ohh you edit updates whats your suggestion or think to remove 2fa
any problem in 2fa security or some other issues site
Well, I can't remove 2FA if I can't login! But, that's an idea -- I could remove it for Binance, since I haven't closed that tab in Firefox yet (was migrating from Firefox to Chrome when I discovered this issue).
Amen sir.
Let me see their page if there is any info about it also. This is bad @libertyteeth
Thanks for the information...
Good job!