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RE: If you were not aware in 4 days you can have 14%+ more of BTC for free.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Don't keep your BTC on centralized exchanges if you don't want to be another "btc-e" victim. Don't get fooled with the +10% free money. Nothing is for free these days...(almost)


From what I can tell, its not BTC-e's fault, but more likely the US Govt has taken their servers.

Well, the guy that created Mt. Gox was the same guy that owns BTC-e. I'd rather not take the chance.

Dont tell me. Really? I thought he was behind bars!

Never say never. If a significant amount of darknet proceeds begin flowing through DEX, it will be attacked one way or another by the authorities.

Very helpful information about and exchange.

liondani, why is eos not on bitshares?

You mean why bitshares is not on EOS... and the answer is: "because EOS is not yet ready."

Why do I have to sign up at Bitfinex or Hitbtc to buy EOS when there is Openleder/Bitshares? Is there a reason why there isn't a trading pair for EoS?

how do you even buy EOS?

He wasn't responsible for the Mt. Gox debacle?

I haven't seen any evidence for that. It's just that he and BTC-e were very laid back about anonymous users. Anonymous users with lots of coin. Bitcoin stolen from Sheep Marketplace moved through BTC-e. I've seen allegations that he's tight with Bitcoin Fog. So anyway, it's likely that BTC-e was just the logical place for the Mt. Gox thief to cash out.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Bitfinex hacked coins also came through BTC-E at some point.

but for 9/11

It's there fault

Here is a step by step guide on how to get your Bitcoin into the safest kind of paper wallet possible:

Thanks. Just what i needed

I can only agree and I think this is a good advice in general. Never leave your money at exchanges. We have seen Mt. Gox, now BTC-e, although both circumstances seem different (Mt. Gox was a scam, BTC-e was likely taken down). But when your money is gone, you don't care much why right? Always stay as much on the safe side as possible. By that I mean risks are part of cryptocurrencies but unnessesary risks can be easily avoided.

seems legit, but where shuld i have my coins? I do not have mutch values, but some btc, some eth and some etc. all in, whats my best option?

Try some mobile wallet, e.g. Coinomi

coinomi will support bch ?

yes, it does

I'm using Exodus. It is a light wallet for many currencies.

For cold storage (offline) I like hardware wallets like trezor or ledger nano s

For my mobile I currently use Jaxx but it locks up sometimes.

Move it to tether short term.

Keep a small amount u need available for purchases or trading on exchange but have most offline. Print out the info and lock it up. Paper wallet only way to go

free money is just a bait this is the reason why a lot are being scamed...

free money is bait, don'not let yourself get scamed....

Can you explain what you mean about your comment?

ohh yeh bro . totally agree

yep I agreed with you @liondani

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