
It is my opinion that Digibyte is one of the best crypto currencies and will make a lot of people wealthy as the adoption rate of Bitcoin grows. I'm not going to bore you with a technical analysis of the project, but rather provide my theory as to what the catalyst will be that makes the price of this coin rise in value.

The Digibyte team are geniuses from a technical standpoint. I'm sure if you are reading this you are already aware of the superior asset Digibyte is to other cryptos. The problem lies in marketing. With the adoption rate of the most popular crypto Bitcoin under 2% it is no surprise that very few people know of Digibyte and their nerdy crew. But no worries because Bitcoin is going to save the day.

As the masses become more familiar with Bitcoin and merchants attempt to implement it as a payment choice the faults of Bitcoin will become known on the big stage. I can see the morning news now talking of 10 minute wait times at Starbucks for a Bitcoin confirmation to clear. There will be a desperate search for a faster more secure payment method in the crypto space. And there with their big dicks swinging in the air will be Digibyte to the rescue. It is simply the natural progression of any new technology. Bitcoin is like Motorola and Nokia, but Digibyte will be Apple and Samsung.

Lightning Network is the answer, almost consumer ready.

There seem to be some people who are actually using it on mainnet. See:

Correct, but for the moderate user it is not possible to use yet. But the 600 main net nodes are proving that it works, the only thing that have to be done is creating a good wallet for the users and tests have to be finished. Extremely bullish! Bcash obsolete soon!

But do we need confirmations? VISA payments can take 30 days to clear. We trust the system so we don’t have to check if it cleared. Same will probably be with Bitcoin. But since Bitcoin is more speculative asset we will see other coins be used for transfers. The market is big enough for competition! Bitcoin has already proven to be a secure system. But I’m sure as you say that we will see other coins be used! But this will take years before any mainstream adoption haha.