RE: Do You Know Your Magic Number for Investing?
Cryptovestor, don't know how many bubbles you've lived though.
I caught the tail end of the first dot-com bubble, the minor solar bubble (small profits but w/ small position size), China bubble (gained a lot, lost a lot, and ended up slightly up in the end), and finally saw the insane speculation around the housing bubble (made money shorting on the way down with my 10% short portfolio position although I was 50% net long and slowly laddering in during the downturn).
I've thought that bitcoin was down for the count 2 times previously. Any good bubble will inflate 6 or 7 times before completely collapsing.
Everyone needs to sell on the way down so that they can buy at a higher price as it blasts higher. Eventually people get taught to buy every single dip.
Which, naturally, will be when the bottom falls out.