Mike Adams, The Health Ranger Is Officially An Idiot Talking About Bitcoins

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Mike Adams needs to stick to Health advice, he's not a financial adviser. He sound dumb talking about crypto-currencies, a market he has no knowledge about. Mike Adams needs to stick to his health advice & products because he's an idiot when it comes to talking about crypto-currencies. He's not the Finance-Ranger, so he needs to just shut his mouth and quit acting like a government troll. Only government trolls go against solutions to our world problems such as bitcoins and the health-ranger sounds like he's one of them, talking from a script.

Anybody who listens to his advice about Bitcoin is also an idiot as well. When Bitcoin is over $10,000 USD, he'll still be saying the same thing, just like all mainstream media has been saying for years now. He's just upset that he couldn't get any Bitcoins early when the price of Bitcoins was still low. Even billionaires like Bill Gates says Bitcoin is better than all fiat currencies and he's not the only Billionaire saying this. Who ever listen to some health guy talking about financing is a dummy themselves. Have some common sense people, this guy HAS NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BITCOINS and sounds like another hater that can't understand the future of money.

He's like one of those people that was saying the internet wasn't going to be anything but look at how we use the internet today? Health Ranger is official a dumb ass to me and now I'm highly suspicious about him. Why would you tell your audience that tax is good? Bitcoin and all crypto-currencies are tax free and if you're against a tax free system, it's obvious which side the health ranger is on. The government and central banker's side, I won't be surprise if he's getting money from them because men like him are very easy to bribe and lobby.

Tell us health ranger, why is the dollar backed by nothing? It's not back by anything either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a dummy and I can't believe people are listening to this guy about FINANCES lmao. Can you believe that people? A health guy talking about finances like he knows and understands the system, hilarious! Watch out for this guy everybody, he might be in with the government and central bankers and definitely don't put your trust in his products!!! Someone please get @jeffberwick the @dollarvigilante on this guy


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I was thinking about this all day and wanted to write about it. Thank you! Yes, I think Mike knows he missed the boat on the wealth transfer or has a crypto nemesis. Maybe they stole his idea? Maybe they worked together and he stuck a fork in it? Pun intended. Or he is regretting with FOMO. Everything is a bubble....but I still think cryptos are organic and directly reflect an inverse relationship to the massive deflation and devaluation of SDR currencies. Just a thought.

great post, mardah.resonance as usual!