Next Stop For Bitcoin $5,000 and Beyond. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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At the time I am writing this article, Bitcoin is nearing the $2800 mark.

If you know my work I have been talking a lot about Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency's) not just in my own articles, but in several recent interviews I have done as well-and every one of these instances I have being outlining for people that with regard to the price of Bitcoin, we haven't seen anything yet.

The fact of the matter is simple.
Those in the know understand that they must diversify away and out of fiat currency, especially the US dollar which continues to fall under pressure.

Will Bitcoin perhaps pull back from its current high? Sure it could, but I would view this as a screaming buying opportunity because in my professional opinion, gauging from not just the recent price action with regard to Bitcoin, (and other cryptocurrency), the Smart Money will continue to move into Bitcoin for the foreseeable future.

Gregory Mannarino
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I mean with silver, gold and bitcoin you could produce some serious wealth for your self. Man I glad I started following you years back. I have learned so much from you, keep up the awesome work....

Thank you my friend. I got your back..

Greg, if you reply to this I'll name my first born daughter Greg.

I see that you are calling tops on Bitcoin similar to the way you set tops on everything you short term trade at your web blog. Make sure you check out my bitcoin daytrade blog. 18 winners in 19 days of trading with a banked gain of $796/coin so far. All this whilst I issued a long term "short n hold" call on Bitcoin on Th. And I thought it was ME who set off the selling frenzy. I didn't realize you said "bitcoin goes to $5000!" as it traded at $2500. I will give you half the credit. fair enough? :-)

In do time my friend, just be patient. Stack it high, while its low

There will be time for silver too. We need more patience

I've missed the bitcoin opportunity (only have like a tenth of a coin) but at least I got in on silver when spot was £9.50!! (don't know what that is in dollars)

Any time is a good time to get into silver. One day you will see the price rise so fast, that it wont matter what you bought it for.
Keep stacking my friend

Your prediction came true and Bitcoin soared exceeding $20000 but now it is dropping.

Thank you for introducing me to Crypto. I heard Jeff Berwick talk about it and Greag Hunter as well. You were the deciding factor. I signed on and am glad I did. I think with silver, gold some stockpiling and some crypto you should be ok. OH and yes l have to include Mr. Greg Mannarino in that list. Without him we would be no where. Thanks Greg.

I found steemit by listening to a report you gave on youtube. Thank you! In 2012 I was ready to invest in bitcoin (got my wallet ready) the next day I heard about a hack in bitcoin and thought maybe it wasn't a good idea. You know what? I would have been a multi millionare if i had gone through with it. So yesterday I purchased bitcoin and I do hope you are correct that I will go up to $5000. Thanks You!

This is the most incredible time period in human history over the last 100 years. We're witnessing massive bubbles forming in almost every asset imaginable regardless of whether that asset is tangible or intangible. The biggest take away from this is that the republican presidency is a sign of a declining dollar. I've outlined this previously on my blog, but here it is again in case you haven't seen it.


Notice how i've marked the various drops in the DXY index with A,B,C,D and E, these corresponding annotations are for the following presidents:

A. Richard Nixon
B. Ronald Reagan
C. George Bush Sr
D. George W Bush
E. Donald Trump

Notice the trend for each republican president? We could very well see the next dollar drop during the Trump administration (identified as 'E' in my graph) and could very well see the next recession around the corner.

What does this mean? Well, depending on your favorite method of asset allocation, it certainly means that buying cryptocurrencies is a good alternative, but Greg, I agree, we should see a correction in Bitcoin and I'm hoping it happens soon, it's a good opportunity to buy the dip and hold long term as we enter bear market cycles and potentially even a war cycle into 2021. As Chinese and Japanese investors look for more ways to allocate their capital, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (especially Steemit as it is backed by a visible online community) will begin to see rising new highs on a daily basis.

I've always thought it's a huge mistake for the American people to lay the success or failure of the economy at the feet of any President. It's Congress who's been robbing us all blind for the last 100 years. Reagan looks to have broken your trend. And, you could say that Clinton came in on the former fiscal policies which were put in place by the Republicans before him.

Cryptocurrencies will destroy the bankers and end the manipulation of precious metals. All PM investors should also own cryptos

bitcoin is exploding because you can't print it like the FED is printing US dollars! And you CANNOT short sell bitcoin like gold futures.

So basically the cornerstones of manipulation are being ripped away from the manipulators. This really will be the biggest transfer of wealth in history.

Greg, I have followed you for a few years now and respect your calls. Bitcoin has been climbing unbelievably fast and almost straight up and nothing goes straight up. I get that people all over the world are waking up to the problems we have with debt based currencies and trying to find somewhere to put their money/wealth to make it through whatever is coming. My questions are how do now when we are approaching the top and what is the easiest way to diversify your bitcoin holding?

Wow! My brain from thinking about the $5,000...The main thing - not to pass this stop! haha