If You are Waiting to Buy Bitcoin You Might Want to See This..

in #bitcoin5 years ago

All right welcome back everybody to, altcoin daily my name's Austin, this is the price of Bitcoin, year-to-date starting in 2020 we started, the year right here in 2020 with an ascension of higher lows six thousand, six hundred six thousand nine hundred, eight thousand three hundred and were,we hit a few days ago and nine thousand, five hundred higher lows into an, ascending higher highs now

I want you to, realize this since we entered twenty, twenty since we popped back above the, twenty to fifty the 100 the 200 all, these EMA's we have never spent more, than eight days in consolidation between, local highs the swing lows into our next, leg up meaning that we've seen these, pullbacks Corrections are a part of any, healthy bull markets but we've never, spent more than eight days consolidating before we passed the local highs into, our next leg up this is the day chart, you can see this for yourself, actually our longest consolidation phase, was twenty days we saw our next, a little local top at around eight, thousand four hundred dollars we spent

one two three four five six days only, until we broke past that into our next, leg up and where we are right now when, we saw our wick up as high as ten, thousand four hundred and sixty-eight,dollars it took one two three four five, six seven right now we are at our eighth, day where we're still consolidating now, we saw the day closed a few days ago as, low as nine thousand five hundred eighty, three dollars right now we are at nine, thousand seven hundred and eight dollars, and it looks like the Bulls may be ready, to take a little run we are in our, eighth day of consolidation