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RE: Here's a managed solution to get BCC off of your BTC

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Whew, thanks for bringing this to my attention, @ash. Have a 100% up for this. Crucial info! I was in the process of pulling BTC off of Bittrex over the past several days. Wish Bittrex would've made this known a bit sooner!!!


it still makes sense to get btc off, in case you want to participate in BCU (Bitcoin United) fork... you definitely need access to private keys for it

True, true. Which I fully intend on doing. I was mainly worried about being limited by my withdrawal limit keeping me with some BTC on the exchange during the date of the fork. Interesting times!!! Can't wait to see how BCU plays out.

oh yeah, the limits... I tend to forget about them, legacy (or whatever its called) account here :)

Lucky bastard!!! haha

You have a legacy account with them? How did you manage to get that with them?
Also does it need to be verified?
I mean if someone wanted to use it for some of their trades for a weekend, would they be allowed to log into it form their own location and not have any issues with bittrex locking down the account?

no idea how I got one. being a customer for some years probably helped