Corona-virus impact the bitcoin market.
how many people have died since the coronavirus outbreak in China began really and what's the true situation in Wuhan City the epicenter of the outbreak the real question here is can we trust the numbers that are coming out of China based on my understanding of how the Chinese Communist Party operates I don't think any of the numbers are true and there is mounting evidence to suggest that they are lying about the numbers a lot of economists and reputable people in the finance industry have pointed at numerous times, for example, the GDP numbers all the economic numbers coming out of China are just plain false and they're fabricated so if they're lying about the economic numbers it's not too surprising to believe that.
they're also lying about the number of people who are infected and have died from the coronavirus there's an exiled Chinese billionaire who lives here in the United States and routinely publishes content about the Communist Party and their malfeasance and all the corruption in China based on his contacts and his resources he believes that government is cremating twelve hundred corpses a day in Wuhan alone he also claims that government will install as many as one point four million portable incinerators across China to cremate the coronavirus victims by the way if you guys want to see any of his content now I highly recommend that you guys do you guys can search his name
it's out there it's very accessible and easy to find the billionaire also claimed that the coronavirus death toll had crossed,50,000 at the time official statistics, suggested that only 800 people had died from the infection and a couple weeks back he speculated that the coronavirus infected as many as five million people in China with the death toll crossing,200,000 and to further substantiate his claim that 1,200 corpses are being burned daily in one he states the capacity of each one of these incinerators is 5 tons is equal to 30 corpses one incinerator can burn,30 corpses for portable incinerators have been sent to,140 incinerators times 30 corpses that's,1200 corpses each day.
guys see there relies on a lot of self-reporting in my view I don't think the number is anywhere close to 6% I'm, thinking that it's probably closer to zero and with the coronavirus just decimating the economy it wouldn't surprise me if the new number was in the negative territory it's very unlikely we ever get back to six I think these this is a permanent slowdown in China and so for the region, it's increasingly about having business models which fit the world where China is growing much less quickly and where trade is is is much less easy a growth support that means increasingly domestic demand and that means getting domestic financial systems right and that's and to further drive home the point I'm gonna read highlights from articles that I've recently read that wasn't unexpected the Chinese official insisted,
just pumping massive amounts of liquidity into the economy and just pretending like nothing happened in the long term I think the Chinese people are very resilient they'll overcome this but in the short term I think there's a chance that they're going to have to endure some pain and it's gonna take a lot of time and effort to revive their economy now the question here is what does the transition period look like well China's economy still be number two well the CCP the Kok Chinese Communist Party still be around will they be relevant let's say something does happen let's say that CCP dissolves are the rich going to leave the country recently I read a piece on, Zero Hedge about how the private flights out of China to countries like Australia and countries in North America
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