ANYTHING but the USD since the USD is NOT a dollar but just a DEBT.

in #bitcoin7 months ago

The fact is that the dollar would be nothing without force and threats. They are issued though bonds and treasuries to fund a corrupt system with a debt that accumulates interest at an ever increasing rate. It pretends to fund its self with taxes collected from the same source and with the same debt notes all the while not needing them at all since they can simply create more so called $$ to distribute to the consumers as support everything from welfare to wars, healthcare and genocide, feeding families as well as murdering millions of unborn children world wide. It really is quite a racket.

Hyper inflation is the only end result followed by a reset. I truly believe that right now, The president of the united States is a both a puppet as well as a tool for globalists who wish for the reset NOT to include the united States as a true leader. The President of the united States is, in my opinion one of, if not the THE WORST president this nation has ever had for many reasons, but most of all, he agrees with the globalist agenda to undermine our national economic and political independence and place under the leadership of a one world socialist state. His delusional policies and priorities are an affront to anything historically and traditionally sane.

To be fair, as a puppet it is hard to blame him however it is still fair to say that when a president decides to declare Easter Sunday as a national day to celebrate the glorification of confusion and abomination we are not far from see the Abomination of Desolation. Granted Easter is not truly a biblical "holiday' " however the world at large believes that it is and it is associated with the Resurrection of Christ and is celebrated by the President's own religion as such. Those that HATE Christ demanded it and he gave them what they wanted.

I have a book called Ellis Island and it documents the immigration of folks to this country as they lawfully can here fleeing real persecution and starvation and sought opportunity for a better life as AMERICANS. The official policies of this and most other recent administrations if to pretend that the unlawful and illegal invasion of this country through all ports, roads and woods and rivers is somehow the same thing and motivated by the same issues.

According to an article on "THE HILL"
" debt held by the public in 1981 amounted to about 25 percent of GDP; today’s debt amounts to more than 100 percent of GDP. "

We owe, to the FEDERAL RESERVE through the TREASURY and issuance of BONDS and BILLS , more than the country produces. The interest on that debt will not only go to Americans who foolishly think that it is a good investment, but it will go to the very counties who hate us and would love to see us go completly under. "According to a Bloomberg study from November, the servicing on that massive pile of indebtedness will top $1 trillion this year, up from an eye-watering $879 billion in the fiscal year that ended last September. What that means is that money available for federal programs — for veterans’ programs, or student loans or to fund the FBI — will be edged out by the need to pay interest on our debt. In the current year, we will spend less on the Departments of Agriculture, Education, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Homeland Security and Energy, and HUD and the FDIC, than we will spend on servicing our debt. "

The need for uneducated selfish government employees is paramount for the rest to occure. I am not referring to policemen or firemenor even our military , but rather to the massive group posing as the eternally paid. The professional consumers who have done nothing to earn their paycheck. Their job is to shop, and their employer is the US and State government. Unemployment is hidden as SSI and Retirement. Government subsidies and grants and loans that will never be repaid are the norm.

Remember there are 50 million people that are on permanet unemployment called Retirement right now and because to the declining birth rate due to abortion and immoral relationships the number of working people that are needed to fund the system with their forced labor agreements is declining.
There are almost 7 million REGISTERED unemployed people in the united States and another 50 million Retired ( permanetly unemployed and collecting checks till they die). at the same time there are approx 158 Million people that are "employed" and paying for the 57 million to do basically nothing. ( this does not include funing the massive health care costs of the unemployed though the mirrage called insurance) there are 3 people being taxed for every one person recieveing said tax as a check. Not to mention the umpteen BILLIONS that have been put into said sysytem only to NEVER BE COLLECTED from ANYONE due to early death.
Why do you think they raised "FULL Retirement from 65-67 and now 70?
They say that fact is , if nothing changes in 2034 all mythical reserves will be gone and SS will be either cut to abut 75% of what it is now or the ages for retirement will go way up, or the amount you will have stolen from your check will rise dramatically.. I do not agree. I believe that the reality is, that under the current push for a 51% political rule of economic tyrants, that all resembelance or honest money will be ling gone by then and the overnment will simply print and ever increasing supply of unbacked digital centralized currency and hand folks more and more "money" to go shoping with.

The Tax the rich montra is just a political phrase, tax everyone who makes over 400K as the RICH and you have a lot of folks with a takehome of around 245K ( if you live in NY) not including deductions for health insurance , do you think that will make a difference when the 100 million or so unlawful illegal aliens are granted the ability to pay into the system omly to ship their benifits back to their home country ?

I'M Ranting...

I love my country, but to be honest I do not associate the Government that has taken over with the country that I love.

Trade your Fiat for GOLD and SIlver and BITCOIN and tell no one where it is..

What this country and every country for that matter needs is a biblically honest system of real money ut then that would also mean hard moral economic choices and baby killing lazy opportunists and greedy corporate fascists would have to actually get real honest work and that is not really an option is it.

Don't hate me.. everyone needs to rant once in a while.

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We'll soon be returning to Gods Money... I'm expecting to see a New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins" that will be used to help back our New and improved Coinage... To our Common U.S. Coinage, I'm expecting to see Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage, all 100% backed by our Precious Metal Coinage... It will be the Coinage of Choice, not the Coinage of Force...