Yea! Becoming a Bitcoin Miner is a Success. Here is how to do it.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Finally! After over a month of planning and gathering set up equipment we are officially mining bitcoin! This has been a roller coaster process. Filled with equipment setbacks and developmental setbacks. It was all worth it because we learned about miners which gave us more knowledge of crypto and I'm watching my bitcoins grow without effort every day!

I'm using and this is my dashboard. In just one days, my one miner has mined approximately $3 usd worth of bitcoin at the current market price! When bitcoin is $10000 it will be worth more.


I ended up purchasing these avalon6 miners off of eBay for $400 including the raspberry pi which controls the avalon6 miner.
Each one of these miners are capable of mining 3.5 ths.

Then I purchased this PSU, which is a 1200 watt power supply from Fry's electronics. This power supply is capable of powering one avalon6 miner. I went to Fry's to pick up this PSU by it was not available even though it said in stock online. I ended up purchasing another for slighter more that was available.

Setting the miner up took a few days simply because we didn't know what we were doing but it proved less complicated then it had to be. Hook up the power supply and access the Avalon dashboard. Also hook up the raspberry pi. Prepare to wait around while the unit configures itself and upload current software via SD card supplied with the raspberry pi.


The hardest part was figuring out the IP address for the raspberry pi to mine to my pool.bitcoin account. This was rather frustrating but eventually it was resolved and the avalon6 was registering on my account.

Now the avalon6 is sitting pretty and mining happily in good company at my amigo's @ackza!

It feels amazing seeing this investment at work. I can sit back and watch the bitcoin keep rolling in!



what program are you using for mining the coin. minergate ?
i also want to mining Ethreum, but must must high specification of computer and miner machine.

I am using

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

Very cool, was thinking of doing this myself so I have a few questions.

I see you are in socal, I am too. I'm in Irvine, where are you located? I ask because this is an expensive area and electricity costs are high. Running 1200 watts all day every day adds up. Did you do any calculations as to how much you'll pay in increased electricity per day?

My rough estimate was this would add roughly $104 to your electricity bill:
-I read 75 watts run 22 hrs/day would equate to $5.94 a month. So 1200 watts run at 24 hours a day would be (1200/75) * (24/22) * 5.94 = 103.68

If you are only mining $3 per day, that seems like a net loss on top of the equipment purchased.

Am I off on this?

Hey! I'm mining in San Diego. i was fortunate enough to find myself in a situation where I'm not paying for electricity. You also have to think like $3 worth of bitcoin so approximately $90 worth of bitcoin per month is going to go up in value. So $90 now is $5000 worth of bitcoin in the future!😁 You can also join and purchase ths. for like $150 or so and mine that way.

How did you get around not paying for electricity? If that's not an option for me, then wouldn't it just be better to take the $90 to invest in bitcoin each month rather than pay $550 and $105 a month to mine that $90?

Yes, that would be better for u 🙃I have another miner that I will add to the first, that's 2400watt. The challenge with Mining is electricity cost, but people are starting to get creative solutions. Better more efficient miners, pools, have you heard of gigawatt/ cryptonomos in wanetchee, wa?

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

Nice point however the difficulty of mining bitcoin is raising exponentially the cost of running it might outweigh the profit

We will try this for awhile. It may outweigh the profits at the time, but not in the future. I believe the value of bitcoin will keep growing. I'm in it for the long haul!

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

This post received a 3.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @monkimo! For more information, click here!

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

awesome. Congrats. Looking forward to trying this out. Followed and upvoted. Feel free to do the same.

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time

0.1 BTC free for mining-you can buy 9 th/s lifetime , offer limited time