Trying to buy bitcoins for cash in Florida ended in armed robbery

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Trying to buy bitcoins for cash in Florida ended in armed robbery

Extremely unsuccessful for the 32-year-old resident of Florida Steve Manos trying to buy bitcoins for cash. Instead of the expected be credited to your account 40 BTC, he threatened with a knife was forced to leave prepared to complete the transaction of $28 000.
About it reports the local edition of the Sun Sentinel.
Living in palm beach Manos was organized on Tuesday, 26 July, meeting with two other men to buy them bitcoins worth $28 000.
According to him, previously, he has conducted transactions with these entities, but this time something went wrong: after meeting with the sellers in the car outside one of the restaurants and presenting designed to the cryptocurrency cash, Manos suddenly faced with the requirement to give the money and Lam.
The argument of the opposite party to the transaction brought a knife, threatening them to Manos. This development of the buyer, however, was not embarrassed, and he tried to present a more substantial counterargument in the form of a gun.
However, in the ensuing struggle a firearm he should not have time, while the sellers their goal was eventually achieved, leaving the battlefield with intended for the purchase of crypto-currencies in cash.
The story, however, was not over: to upset the incident, Manos went to the police, giving telephone number on which he had been associated with robbed his party.
This information to law enforcement officers was more than enough, and after a short time they were able to detain 34-year-old Andre Allen in which Manos identified one of the robbers.
At the moment the detainee is under arrest, and he faces charges of armed robbery and battery. About the second participant in the robbery information at the moment.
It is also unclear exactly how Steve Manos originally met Rob sellers of cristobalite, but such a scenario is typical for transactions through the service, LocalBitcoins. The company regularly warns users about the need to observe all necessary security measures.
This is not the first such case in Florida. So, in 2014, the robbery was subjected to a mining farm in Tampa. The robber was a former employee of the company, which has managed to steal not only cryptocurrency in the amount of $35 000 at the prices of that time, but expensive equipment worth more than $150 000.
Another incident in the transaction for the purchase of bitcoins happened in June 2015 in Brooklyn, where, at gunpoint, the robbers took 28-year-old male cryptocurrency in the amount of $1100. The victim came to meet with the buyer previously agreed to sell the cryptocurrency online.