Making money from running a Bitcoin Faucet

in #bitcoin6 years ago

or other Faucets of your choice (Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc)

This post will discuss a point which was briefly addressed in one of my main post; how to make a (Bitcoin) Faucet.

Now that you have your own first Bitcoin Faucet, you probably want to go with it in two directions:

  1. Give free stuff to people, without expecting any profit
  2. Get some money

Now if you are a kind person and have a lot of Bitcoins, you might not consider the second point and
that's great. It is thanks to those people that the idea of Bitcoin spread in the first place.
The first Bitcoin faucet ever, gave like 5 Bitcoins per claim, but that was of course during other times...
We should be grateful that those people exist, because it is almost sure, that without them, Bitcoin and
many other cryptocurrencies wouldn't spread so much around the globe.

Let's now analyze the second point. It sounds intriguing...making money online...making money without doing nothing...
making money from home... No, no and no. It is not that easy unfortunately. You will have to put some effort, but
it is nothing too difficult. With a plan in your mind and a bit of luck, your Bitcoin faucet might make you some
decent income.

How is that? It is very easy. Traffic.

You need traffic. How do you get traffic? Get people to watch your page and actually use your Bitcoin faucet.

  1. First of all spread it among your family and friends. Maybe someone might be interested, you never know!
  2. Re-check multiple times your page before spreading it to a bigger public. It would be a shame if your first 100 visitors
    get an error page.
  3. Now that you checked your page and you are sure that it accessible, you must know where your audience is. Which people
    are interested in a Bitcoin faucet? Most likely people from Bitcoin related pages!
  4. Open a thread at and update it regularly.
  5. When using or similar pages, use also the forum in there.
  6. You might also use steemit.
  7. Open other websites where promote your own Bitcoin faucet and promote your other websites on your Bitcoin faucet as well.
  8. Open an account on mellowads and claim at least 500 satoshis a day. After some days you can run a small ad campaign.
  9. Find communities on reddit where you are allowed to post your faucet.

By then you should at least get 50-100 visitors per day, which is not too bad.
Most of them will not claim stuff from your faucet, but some will and after some time it will be important to always
have enough funds in your faucet, as those users want nothing more than stable faucets. Put yourself in the shoes
of your faucet users; would you prefer a page that barely works but gives you like 100 satoshis or would you prefer
a page that works normally where you can get 10 satoshis per claim? The answer is pretty easy...

Now that you have some grasp of how to get traffic from a targeted audience, you need to know how to get money.
There are several ways how to do it:

Use at first, because they will accept every website. Other similar or more established pages will
accept your website based on the Alexa rank and let's be honest here, nobody will have a top 100'000 page within
one day. So we need to work our way up. has several ads that you can place. You can also determine
the value of your adspace. Keep it at first a low, so you might attract some potential advertisers. This will
give you extra satoshis. also works with cpm, so after x views on your page, you get x satoshis. Not too bad!

That's not everthing! You can earn money from your Bitcoin faucet, by using shortlinks or linkshorteners. They work fairly
simple. You need to open an account and you give in a link that you would like to shorten. So let's say you have your webpage
called will change to You can place them on your own faucet wherever you want.
Do you want to link other services which you provide? Use shortlinks! Do you want to show other faucets of other people?
Use shortlinks! Do you want to show other webpages, related to Bitcoin? Use shortlinks!
Shortlink pages also offer an API key. This is very important. You probably noticed that while using certain faucets, you
are redirected to another page where you need to wait 5-15 seconds and then click on 'get the link'. By using shortlinks
in this way, you can make also a good amount of money. Integrate them in your claim button and your users will be redirected
as well to such a page. Now for each claim, you might actually earn more, than your users receive, which hits two birds
with a stone: You can fill your faucet and you make a tiny, yet steady profit.

Sure, you will not a get a multi-millionaire, but you will have a side hustle to play around with. After some time and more
experience you might consider two further options:

  1. To continue your faucet and improve it (for that I strongly recommand that you get a grasp of the html and php language)
  2. To sell it

If you consider the first option, it shouldn't be because you make decent income, it should be, because you genuinly like
creating your own Bitcoin faucet and everything related towards it. By improving it and learning from your experience, you
can consider adding additional services. Should people subscribe with their e-mail? Do you want to add further faucets, like
Litecoin faucet, Dogecoin faucet? Do you want to add a dice game? You see the options are limitless, but you need to put
effort and time.

Selling it can have a few advantages: You get a lump sum (and it can be pretty high if let's say you bought your domain for
1 Dollar and sell the page for 50 Dollars within a make a profit that is unmatched by the best stock traders in
the world!), you have more time for other projects and with that lump sum you can invest in another project, which in return
can give you more money. Did you dislike having your own faucet? That's fine just try selling it. It is no shame if you
started to dislike your faucet. But don't dislike because it didn't generate you 1000's of Dollars per day.

There we go this is a short overview of how to make money running a Bitcoin faucet. The options are limitless, you just
need an idea, time, dedication and be somewhat lucky.

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