Bitcoin crashes on rumors China is banning Bitcoin exchanges

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Looks like Bitcoin is over guys... China has banned Bitcoin (again)!

Ehh, Hello Internet! This is the People Bank Of China. WE BAN BITCOIN!

Here are two sources (in Chinese): (in English)

Bitcoin is going down on massive volume

Other cryptocurrencies are also going down...

Buy the dip? ...For sure! China also banned Bitcoin in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Unless you think "this time is different," which it never has been, buy the dip. It may go down a lot more in the coming hours or days. You never know what the bottom will be, but I don't believe this FUD.

China is not going to ban Bitcoin. It's just a rumor that some Chinese sprout whenever they want some cheap coins. They have done it multiple times in last few years.

Bloomberg China tech reporter Lulu Yilun Chen tweeted:

"Okcoin and Huobi PRs said they haven't received such notices and are still in operation as of now."

Cheap coins going into the weekend. Have a good one! :)

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Don't miss out on my next post! Follow me @penguinpablo


Bitcoin is antifragile, so the more it is stressed the stronger it gets. When are the government going to get this:)?

Yeah it is indeed always the same, but it is interesting to see that it always works. Nothing is official, but still prices going down. I hope we will have a much more robust market in the future which is not that dependent to China.

I don't remember having Chinese Sprouts!
I am not a fan of Chinese food but doesn't mean I don't eat Chinese dish at all. I make the recipe from scratch! lol
Where can we get reliable info really? How do we even know that what we are reading is a fact and not fake sprouts.... I think we all have to be responsible with the information we share to others, even the media is no longer a reliable source of information! So sad but it's the reality!

Welcome to the mad planet called Earth, where mad people exists! lol

Sigh... it's always

It's always the same China 🇨🇳 is coughing and the investors are in panic. Really boring :-(

Not if you can buy those dips though right?

Not everyone is a trader. We are currently seeing a lot of newcomers in the space who just want to hold their investment. They will get burned with this weird FUD. I know, I know maybe they need to learn that crypto is wild wild west, but I am waiting for a time where something stupid like that will not happen.

I'm winning too, but it's always the same thing and not very intellectual:-(

well .. let's see how it turns out.

Looks bad this time

In my opinion, if China prohibits bitcoin, it has deprived itself of a great global opportunity.

Yes, they would shoot in their own foot also because most of the mining companies are based in China. Good point.

Thank you my dear friend for your comment.

they have done more than once this year.. starting at the beginning of the year once btc was 800 dollars.. reached 1.150 then dropped till 700 then up to 2k

Im sure there is some planned background political motive behind it .

This for sure. Those things are planned and a few people are making a lot of money with it. Very interesting to see.